March 20 is the first day of spring this year, and William and Mary has been gearing up for sunshine and warm weather true to form. So, in case you don't know what that means, here's a list of the top ten ways you know spring fever has reached the twamps (even if you haven't left Swem to note the hot temperatures...):
10. Birkenstocks have ousted the Bean boots
This fast transition is a little rough since you can't run in sandals all that easily; and if you don't think that that's a big deal, think again because...
9. The Soft Serve machine is empty before the lunchtime rush even hits Sadler.
This means that it's every man for himself. Unfortunately, a meal without ice cream may not be your only bummer.
8. There also isn't any ice left in the fountain soda machines.
Even though you may have to suffer through the lukewarm water, you can at least avoid the long food lines because...
7. The food trucks are rebooted!
Just as the food trucks line the Terrace...
6. Hammocks begin to outline the Sunken Gs.
Now the higher you climb, the better, because the trees are covered for another pastime:
5. Tightrope walkers come out to entertain themselves, and bystanders, all over campus.
Now, I've personally never seen a successful go at it, but it's all about the effort, right?
Now we are at college after all, so things also change in the classrooms; instead of coming in like Eskimos...
4. We all come to class flushed and sweaty.
We've all been there, though, so no shame. Plus, everyone's so giddy about the warm weather they are too busy to notice. But when you're not in a rush, take a break and wander down past Merchant Square because...
3. Dogs have literally taken over CW.
2. Unfortunately, so have middle school tour groups...
However, if you ask them, we are the ones imposing (ah, those good old days of preteen sass). At least they don't know where the best place on campus is! Not that there would be any room for them if they did since...