There is just something about a grown man standing atop a fountain on a college campus, screaming at children that they are "going to hell" that does not (or better, should not) sit well with the general public.
I was not there as a witness, but I have viewed the footage.
Heard the cries.
Seen the hearts breaking.
Felt my shame at how this is what we have branded ourselves: Christians. The angry, judgmental, finger-pointing, self-righteous, hypocritical Christians.
Words were yelled.
Signs were ripped.
And he just kept screaming.
I thought, with adrenaline making a cocktail of worry in my blood, about the students on campus who may have never heard about Christ.
This is their first glimpse.
The first representation they see of their Savior, and I don't blame them for running away. For hating the horrific voice so unlike the Father's which still claims to be speaking His Truth.
To the Christian students who listened to this and know better, recognize that you must work twice as hard by your example to make up for the damage that has been done. Remember that Christ led by example and did not condemn. Remember that He loved.
To you dear people whose first look into the Gospel was this morning, from a terribly deceived man on a watery pedestal, know that that is not Christianity. It is called narcissism and an unfortunate misunderstanding of the ways of God. If Christ were to come today, I believe that man would be in grave trouble for what he was doing. He certainly would not have been praised for his "heroic" efforts; in fact, it's my thought that Jesus Christ would liken him to a Pharisee and teach him the ways of love instead of loathing.
Friends, if you want to protest worldliness, think twice about putting yourself on a figurative or even physical pedestal to do so. None of us can point fingers; we are all drowning in our own sin. This morning may be the reason some young person decides to never seek the Savior. It may be the reason a student feels worthless beyond the breaking point; after all, they are going to hell right?
Protest with living what you speak and loving who you meet.
Hold out the Gospel with open palms, not closed fists shaking in the air.
Let's step down indefinitely from our pedestals and humble ourselves so that we never climb them again.
To those whose hearts were sliced open today by twisted words spouting from a human fountain of hypocrisy, let me apologize on behalf of our faith.
I am so sorry. I beg you to give us another chance.
Oh Christians, it is time we remember what Christianity actually is.