Sororities: Homes for Everyone | The Odyssey Online
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Sororities: Homes for Everyone


To rush or not to rush? Read this before you choose!

If you’re anything like me, you’re looking at a sorority from the outside in, thinking maybe sorority life just isn’t for you. But, take it from someone who only went through recruitment to move in early.

If there’s a sorority for me, then there’s certainly a sorority that you too could call home. If you’re still a "Doubting Debbie," that’s okay. Because here are the top five reasons a sorority is for you:

1.     A sorority provides instant friendship.

Walking into your first big lecture hall at the biggest university in the state is intimidating, but luckily sorority recruitment begins two weeks before school even begins; and, the moment you unfold your envelope on Bid Day is the one of the most defining moments of your entire college career. In literally one moment, you are given a group of friends, a family, and a support system. The bond you and your fellow pledge sisters share is simply indescribable; you jump and hug and cry with girls you likely have never met. But, you know now, these girls are your sisters. You will be spending your next four years with them—taking pictures, laughing, shopping, eating, studying, the list goes on… They will become your family and in everything you do, you will know there is an army of passionate, driven, admirable women standing behind you that will not let you fall. Not to forget, by joining a sorority your search for the perfect bridesmaids is nearly over. 

2.   A sorority is the best GPA Booster. Never fear! Whatever major you have, from Anthropology to Chemical Engineering, rest assured there is a girl in your sorority with the same or similar major. Sisters are the perfect resource for dishing on the best/worst teachers and providing you with old exams, papers, lab reports, and advice. Sisters are also wonderful buddies and desk-sitters at the library. Plus, getting the highest GPA average on campus is a highly coveted award.    

3.    A sorority will create an ocean of service opportunities just for you!

Every sorority has a philanthropy. Chi Omega’s is Make A Wish, Alpha Delta Pi’s is the Ronald McDonald House, Delta Delta Delta’s is St. Jude's Children's Hospital. A major role of an active sorority member is volunteering for their philanthropy, as well as supporting other on-campus sororities by attending and preparing for their various philanthropy events. In no time, you will learn the vital importance of these philanthropy events and how much time and effort they require from, not only the hosting sorority or sorority/fraternity pair, but also from all other on campus chapters as well. In addition to philanthropy events held by sororities, Greek organizations are also very involved in service events that are simply held on campus like Dance Blue. So, if you have a heart for service, a sorority is a wonderful liaison for getting involved in your community.

4.    A sorority: The new "LinkedIn" 

With Alum organizations, as well as three groups of upperclassmen ahead of you, with which you are in direct communication, a sorority is one of the best possible mechanisms for networking. There are always opportunities waiting to be fulfilled and a lot of sisters have found them and have already made connections. From babysitting gigs, to internships, to leadership positions, sororities are the perfect intermediary and your sisters will certainly help you get your foot in the door!

5.    A sorority is an open door to leadership.

While sororities certainly have an executive office and various adult/alum advisors to keep your chapter in check, on campus all sororities are largely held together by student-leaders. There are committees that ensure safety, while some ensure fun. There are positions that require heavy organization, while some merely need a lofty time commitment. Whatever it is that you are looking for though, there is a way you can get involved in your sorority and make an impact on the girls in your chapter.  

As you can see joining a sorority is a wonderful way for you to get involved and find a close knit group of friends to spend the most exhilarating, trying, and formative years of your life. So, when recruitment begins, sign up! Why not? You don’t have anything to loose except for a lot a lot a lot of fun if you miss out on one of the best opportunities available to you in college! 
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Rebekah Lee

I remember my freshman year oh so well. I remember feeling terrified the night before orientation. The one thing that I dreaded the most was not the new people, the new environment, or even the academic pressure. I was dreading having to talk to sorority girls about Recruitment. I remember cutting off and avoiding any Rho Gamma/Panhellenic Officer that came my way during First Week. I looked at them like they had asked me to cut my arm off whenever they asked me if I wanted to rush. To be honest, I did not even know what rush was, but I knew that I did NOT want to be a part of it. To me, it was dumb. It was a waste of money. It was a waste of my time.

And guess what? I did not rush my freshman year. I spent the first half of my freshman year isolating myself from everyone on campus. I spent all of my time in the library, and then (since I was a commuter) went back home once my work was finished.

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