Sororit-ese | The Odyssey Online
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If your school has Greek life, you've definitely heard these common phrases from sorority girls. Some are a bit over the top, but others actually have meaning behind them. All are essential to a sorority girl's vocabulary.

Here are a couple shortcuts to understanding this language.

1. "I'm soooooo drunk."

This means she's not actually that drunk. You're likely to hear this said loud and proud most days and nights of the week accompanied by girls holding their cell phones in the air trying to shake it like Shakira.

2. "I'm not even that drunk."

This means she's really drunk, especially if it took her more than thr tries to tell you this. If she starts talking about her love for her sisters, Blair Waldorf, or America, she's gone.

3. "Do I look slutty?" "No, you look hot!"

This isn't meant to be a lie to your best friend if it isn't completely true, just a confidence booster that doesn't come from a long-neck bottle. Girls, you're young forever, so rock what you've got. You look fabulous.

4. "Does anyone have sticky boobs I can borrow?"

If you don’t know what I'm talking about or haven't been there, you don't know the struggle.

5. *At a party* "Hi, I'm (fill in typical sorority girl name), nice to meet you!"

Maybe this is your fifth time meeting let's say, Amber, but she's being friendly so just go with it.

6. "Ooooh Lilly!"

Lilly Pulitzer, that is. Every sorority girl understands that having Lilly in your wardrobe is not a suggestion, but an expectation. Before I joined DG I had no interest in Lilly, feeling it was too preppy for me. My big disagreed and gave me a Lilly tote bag saying, "I know you don't like Lilly, but you needed something." Think of it as a rite of passage.

7. "I literally can't even."

This is one of those phrases that don’t exactly make girls sound, ahem, intelligent. I'm not particularly proud when I hear myself say this, but when I do, I'm just like, I can't even.

8. "OH. MY. GOD. This is my songggggg!" No, c'mon stop laughing. This is her song! Let her enjoy it!

9. "Let's get a picture together." No matter how long you've known this sorority girl--whether you just met in the bathroom, you're the bouncer she sees every Thursday night, or you've been friends since you were in diapers, she will take a picture with you if you see each other out. Not a threat, just a promise, so look your best.

10. "Throw what you know!" Every sorority girl went through the excruciating process of sorority recruitment and has earned the right to toss up her hand symbol when she feels like it. The first time she does it is a proud moment in her life (unless you're like me and are the only one messing it up in your professionally photographed first-ever pledge class picture), and you can bet she'll keep doing it.

11. "My big is KILLIN' it!" Big reveal day is one of the happiest days in a new member's life. Your big is the perfect, most loving big sister and best friend you never had. She'll be there for you for every fashion crisis, heartbreak, and celebration. Being the perfect little and cheering for her in return if she is in fact "killing the game" is the least you can do.

And that's your guide to Sororit-ese. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. 

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