10. "Let It Go" - James Bay | The Odyssey Online
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15 Songs That Will Mend Your Broken Heart

There's nothing a little bit of music can't fix!

15 Songs That Will Mend Your Broken Heart

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Heartbreak can be one of the most difficult things that anyone has to endure through a lifetime and we will more than likely experience it multiple times as well. Sometimes hurting is inevitable, but how we choose to react to the most difficult situations in life is what we have control over. Heartache can feel unbearable, but the power of music may be just what you need.

Here are a few songs to listen that have the ability to get you through even the most difficult of times.

1. "Dreaming With A Broken Heart" - John Mayer

Come on, it's John Mayer. Do I even have to say anything else?

2. "Since U Been Gone" - Kelly Clarkson

Once you get over the initial stages of grief, this is great song to sing along to.

3. "Cry Me A River" - Justin Timberlake

Just because Justin Timberlake wrote this song about Britney Spears doesn't mean we can't relate to it too.

4. "Part of Me" - Katy Perry

This song is all about empowering women so sing on Katy Perry!

5. "Stay" - Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko

This video and the lyrics explain perfectly the complexities of the push and pull that can occur while in a relationship.

6. "Heartbreak Hotel" - Elvis Presley

There's no description needed because this is just a pure classic by the man who is considered to be the "King of Rock 'n' Roll."

7. "Someone Like You" - Adele

Adele evokes a vulnerability that brings listeners in. She sings about an ex who has moved on but she finds herself feeling nostalgic while remembering various aspects of their past relationship. Everything about this song is so relatable.

8. "Stay With Me" - Sam Smith

A word of caution: only listen to this tune if you think your heart can handle it. Trust me when I say tissues may be needed while listening.

9. "Must've Never Met You" - Luke Combs

Luke Combs is one of my favorite country artists that has gained popularity in recent years. Every word he sings is something all can relate to.

10. "Let It Go" - James Bay

This song is all about accepting that the person you were with grew into a different person while you did too and that is okay to be who you are.

11. "I Can't Make You Love Me" - Bonnie Raitt

This song was produced in 90s and does a wonderful job of reminding us that we can't force someone to feel the same way about you that you feel for them.

12. "Red High Heels" - Kellie Pickler

This is a great tune to listen to before going out for a night out after having a breakup. Go ahead, put your red high heels on, and show your ex just how missing you feels!

13. "Happier" - Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran taps into the contradicting feelings of being happy that an ex has moved on but also still not being able to get past the memories and love you felt for the person.

14. "Already Gone" - The Eagles

The Eagles are one of my all-time favorite bands and this song is very lighthearted.

15. "Heart Break" - Lady Antebellum

This recently released single focuses on delivering a message that empowers women to be independent and focus on being the best version of themselves without rushing into a new relationship after one ends.

Now you have a list of songs that you can have as your go-to heartbreak songs just in case you find yourself needing it. Music is all around us so go ahead and use it as your medicine.

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