From the time I was a freshman in high school till this day the words "Be involved" have always been reiterated to my scared adulting self. Just a short four years ago I was sitting in my high school orientation as one of the Assistant Principals got up on stage to speak.
The words that were told to me and my soon to be classmates were simply to "Be involved."
As a little fish about to enter a big pond, I didn't take those words so seriously. Once that one simple phrase kept being spoken of I finally took control and joined clubs, sports and volunteered at certain organizations within and around my community.
At first, I didn't think it meant anything more than to be a part of something that kept me busy after my long school days or on the weekends but as time moved on I was able to see what was so special about being involved.
The words "Be involved" are very broad, meaning you can take those words and twist them into whatever you like. To be involved can be helping out your teacher, playing on a league or even cheering on your alma mater when they are about to win the basketball championships.
Whatever you choose to be involved in, it will determine the type of person you are, what you like to do in your spare time or how you feel about a certain organization. No matter what it will define you and make you a better person. Not only will it allow you to improve but it will lead you to meeting amazing people along the way.
Taking a strangers advice just a few short years ago was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. I didn't just like high school, I loved high school.
This may seem a little strange but I wasn't invested in my love for doing homework or sitting in class but I woke up every morning excited to participate in the next activity, cheer on my alma maters sports team or do something simple as to paint a grade banner for the Pep Rally coming up on the next Friday.
After my four years of high school came to a close, I was frightened at the thought of having to start over again and learn to be involved in a place that was almost foreign to myself and many others. As I started my freshman year at a university that was way larger than my high school, the first thing I decided to do was to sign up for Panhellenic Recruitment.
Joining a sorority was something that always caught my eye and I couldn't be happier as to where I ended up. I didn't just find my home, I found my involvement, life long friends, connections and sisters that would support me for not only the next four years but for eternity.
My scared college freshman self became not so scared anymore. All of these people I have met along the way of trying to be involved have influenced and motivated me in ways I didn't think were possible.
To start, I became a Greek Ambassador for an organization on campus and worked under people in my sorority to help them plan certain Philanthropy functions and events. After getting my feet wet, I then decided to apply for positions throughout campus for different events going on.
The point is, there is always a way to participate. You can be involved on campus or off, it doesn't matter. To be involved is to be involved.
So as you learn to "Be involved," just remember one thing: there are times when you will try to get a certain position or job and may be denied but NEVER give up, keep going because one day you will find your place. I promise everything happens for a reason. Be involved, always have fun, and stay motivated (even after college)!