Since I cut my hair I have gotten a few different responses from many different people in my life. Some embrace the change with open arms and understand the importance of self-expression– others make comments like “gender confusion” or “gender fluid.” While I am fairly sure of who I am– I still find myself curious as to why comments such as this are so accepted in today's society. Who in the world decided that short hair is so closely linked with sexual orientation? Why does it matter? It is 2016 and gay marriage is now legal in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Why are we still clinging to the “old ways” of living instead of embracing the new generation and the freedom that it brings. The young people of this generation are visionaries, dreamers, believers in the unknown– but are restrained by the generation before us, forcing us to conform. Now I do not want anyone to get the idea that I am against the generation that came before me– if it were not for them there would be no us. That is a simple fact.
But off my sexual orientation rant and back to the real issue. When we all start to appreciate each other for our diverse backgrounds and use them to create beauty in the world? When will we stop seeing color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and appearances and be a unit of beautiful diversity? When will we concentrate on building a steady foundation of togetherness in order to accomplish a larger goal for the greater good? I guess I am just trying to express my personal need for everyone to stop looking for validation and live your life for you. I know that this may seem contradictory in the sense that I am telling you to live your life for you but also saying that it is important for us to be a unit– well I am about to explain.
Living your life for you does not mean burning everyone in your path– it simply means that you live life to make yourself happy while doing good by others. Being selfish and not selfish all at the same time. Expressing feelings in the right manner so that your words do not harm others. Being who you are as a human while allowing others to do the same.
We all tend to look at life from a very “Absolutist POV,” This just means that we hold firm to the point of view that the context of situations doesn’t matter. “If it is wrong– It is always wrong.” While I lean this way in certain situations– I find myself being more of a relativist. Context matters. Not the behavior itself but when, how, and where the behavior takes place. If we could all look more at the context of situations– I truly believe that we could act as more of a unit of togetherness.
Love yourselves. Love others. Love life.