Dare to be a classy lady who can stand on her own two feet.
Dare to be the woman who intimidates the boys. That doesn’t mean being mean and rude to them and refusing to treat them as equals. Some girls like to stomp all over males in order to assert their independence. This is wrong. Be so smart, classy, and have such high standards that men realize they can’t just throw a few lines on you to “get” you. Be a butterfly. Lovely to witness but hard to catch.
Don’t wait around for marriage and don’t wait around for a guy to come create a financially stable life for you. If you want to quit work once you marry and stay home, fine. But if you aren’t married, please do something to provide for yourself. Be able to stand on your own two feet without a man. (Gasp.)
But aside from men.
Be smart. People want to have intelligent and stimulating conversation full of meaningful topics such as current events, politics, and anything ending in -ology. That doesn’t mean you have to go around flaunting it, but if a conversation with someone comes along, have something interesting to contribute that will make a difference and make change.
Be classy. (Boys and girls should both have these manners, just clarifying.) Honestly sit up, get some manners, and show how much of an amazing woman you can be. I love being down to earth, but people deserve to be treated with respect. When you go eat with someone and display horrid manners, you’re indirectly telling them they aren’t important enough. If you’re with someone besides immediate family, put the phone away.
Read. This is my new revelation. I just now started this, and it changes you. There’s nothing more daunting than a woman who reads. A woman who forms opinions from the statements of authors. That my dear friend is just dead sexy. I recommend any classics. Vampire books are fine, even I like them. But they should be kept to a minimum. Honestly there’s nothing intelligent about Bella sacrificing her soul to eternal damnation for a male.
You don’t have to be loud and obnoxious to be powerful and smart. Same goes for males. There’s no need to be brash in order to be dynamic. Honestly, some of the most influential people of all time chose their words carefully: Abraham Lincoln, Audrey Hepburn, and Grace Kelly. Even Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte were careful on how they represented their feministic ideals into a conservative society.
Women are strong not because they’re rude and constantly correcting people, but because they’re strong in who they are. In their composure. In their attitude. In their smiles and in their straight faces. For Christian girls, in their trust and faith in God. In their compassion. In their dreams. In their ambitions. In their kindness. In their gentleness yet their dynamic boldness.
Dare to be.