1. Family gatherings, seeing old friends, seeing family friends; all of it is torture.
Mostly because you are bombarded with a million questions. How was school? Have you decided on a major? Do you have a job for the summer? What do you have planned for the rest of eternity? However, you eventually figure out an escape plan and go hide until they leave or at least change the subject.
2. With those questions you start to wonder what you are doing with your life.
Thus devoting your summer to rebuilding yourself.
3. You start with the physical side of things.
If I look better, I’ll feel better! Right? Throw in some motivational quotes on your bedroom mirror, some DIY projects, and maybe a job application or two, and you’ve got yourself the makings of a productive summer.
4. This all works for a short time but then you realize going to the gym every day is hard.
Work is hard. Putting on pants is hard. Life is just hard.