Silly Bunny, Easter Is For Kids
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Silly Bunny, Easter Is For Kids

Remembering how I celebrated Easter as a child.

Silly Bunny, Easter Is For Kids

When I was a little girl, Easter Sunday was a time for everyone to show off their outfits at church.

I vividly remember my mother dressing me in poofy white and baby pink dresses to take lots of pictures in. My brother had to wear a suit.

I hated how my mom always made me wear these tight, itchy, white pantyhose; how my patent leather shoes hurt my feet and squeaked when I walked, and how the curls in my hair never stayed long enough for people in the church to actually see them. My brother had to get his hair cut on Saturday and wear Penny Loafers. We always dug through our rooms to find a penny to stick in the top of them.

We waited for each of the Cadbury Bunny commercials so we could count how many times the bunny fapped his nose and mouth. We were ecstatic when the bunny came out with creme filled eggs!

Church services were always long and boring. We didn't have Sunday School on Easter so there was nothing to divert attention away from the proceedings. Not only were all the other children dressed up but their parents, grandparents, and guardians were all dressed up too.

Outside of keywords, the Pastor would say such as "God", "Jesus", "angels", and "the Devil", I couldn't understand anything else he was talking about.

After service, there was a large buffet style dinner served where my brother and I could try and stock up on deviled eggs. There was also macaroni 'n cheese, rolls, greens, and sometimes ham to eat as well.

If we didn't dye eggs the night before, we would come home and dye them after the dinner at church ended. My mother always bought us large Easter baskets a week ahead of time that we could finally open once our eggs were done to put inside them.

As I became a preteen, that Easter tradition faded away. We never spoke of Easter again, and we stopped going to church.

The kids at work celebrate Easter. Kids in the neighborhood are seen wearing poofy dresses and suits to Easter Sunday services. Their parents and guardians are not dressed up - just their kids. Easter baskets line the stores right after St. Patrick's Day instead of at the beginning of April when Easter time began.

My Easter knowledge now reflects what I know of the beginning of Christianity. Celebrating Easter in the way I was raised to seems very silly. I recall that once I attained a grown-up understanding of other holidays, I stopped celebrating them the way I was raised to.

This is why I feel like Easter is just another kids holiday. There's no explanation for how bunnies and eggs became incorporated into Easter. What do bunnies have to do with Jesus being resurrected from his grave? Were people hiding eggs and eating ham during the triple crucifixion?

It's sad to me that such an important holiday for Christians is just another kids day. Kids have fun with it because they don't understand it, and adults just acknowledge it and move on. The same with Christmas. No one even teaches to observe the moment of silence for Jesus' crucifixion at noon on Good Friday.

As I get older and embrace my religious more, I would love to see more conscious effort from others of the faith to not water down important holidays.

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