7. You Find Yourself Lost In Today's Slang | The Odyssey Online
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10 Tell-Tale Signs That You're A Grandma Living In A College Student's Body

Being in bed by 9:30 and having a hot cup of tea sounds sooo much better than a loud college bar.

10 Tell-Tale Signs That You're A Grandma Living In A College Student's Body
Photo By Dana LeBron

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Maybe it's the idea that you like to be in bed by 9:30 and would much rather stay in then go out to a bar. Now although I might not check off yes to all of these signs, I can tell you I relate to more than half of them. Here are 10 tell-tale signs that you're a grandma living in a college students body:

1. You're In Bed By 9:30


I know I'm not the only one that loves to go to bed early. As a college student, most students are just starting their homework or the night in general. However, if you're a morning person like me, going to bed early is a must. And no you don't have to actually go to sleep at 9:30, but being in bed all cozy by that time is so relaxing and hands-down the best part of any day.

2. You'd Rather Stay In And Watch A Movie Than Hitting the Bar


This is probably one of the biggest tell-tale signs that you're a grandma living in a college student's body. I don't know about you, but I'd rather cuddle and watching a movie with my boyfriend than hitting the bar and being hungover as heck the next day.

3. You Actually Own A Pair Of Pajamas


Everyone wears pajamas, but having a REAL set of pajamas is a whole different story. You threw away your sweats and comfort Color T-Shirts a loong time ago, and you've entered the world of real adulthood and luxury.

4. You're The "Mom" In Your Friend Group


You love having fun but are the voice of reason and responsibility in your friend group. You just make sure nothing gets too out of hand.

5. Coffee And Tea Really Seem To Make And Calm Your Day


College students love caffeine, there's no doubt about that. But you strive for the more 'sophisticated' drinks if that makes sense. No Monsters or 5 Hour Energy's for you. A nice calming cup of tea is what you look forward to every night.

6. You Value Deep Connections And Close Friendships


It's no secret that college is the time to meet tons of people. However, unlike other students, you look for students that have similar interests and show loyalty and true friendship. You definitely prefer quality over quantity.

7. You Find Yourself Lost In Today's Slang


Slang comes in and out of modern societies dialogue. But through the numerous amount of slang that is created, you always have a hard time understanding how they're used or even why they're used. Does someone want to explain to me that if something is really good, it "slaps"? Like who's coming up with these terms?

8. You Seem To Get Along With Adults Rather Than Kids Your Age


Maybe it's because you're more mature or think more wisely than kids your age, but you seem to have no trouble holding a conversation with those well beyond your years. Its the sophistication and maturity that you love, especially when kids your age only talk about school, going-out and hookups,

9. You Give Advice Well Beyond Your Years


You seem to be the roommate, friend or classmate that most people go to for advice and life lessons. You seem to carry the wise words of wisdom that is thanked and used by many.

10. You Can't Wait To Settle Down And Have A Family


Let me make this very clear, there is no rush to get married or have a family especially at my age when you have the whole rest of your life. However, I seem to find joy spending time with family and spending quality times with others than going out to a bar and getting drunk. I can truly see myself having a beautiful family, and although there is no rush, the idea doesn't scare me in the slightest.

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