The glorious days of Thanksgiving break have drawn to a close, and trust me, I know that it hurts. The week filled with food, family, catching up with old friends, catching up on sleep and pretending that school does not exist, has gone too soon. May Thanksgiving break 2016 rest in peace. As we trudge back to our respective college campuses, we all have one thing on our minds.
Yep, I said it.
The most dreaded week in college is upon us. Exam dates, essay(s) and project due dates are creeping upon us slowly but surely. Stress and anxiety are on the rise all around campus.
But I will let you in on a little secret.
It's all going to be okay.
Maybe it's my "freshman that has never taken a college final naïveté speaking here, maybe it's my optimistic Christmas spirit (three weeks, people, three weeks!) Whatever it may be, it's true, it's all going to be okay. Yeah, I know, finals suck and no one in their right mind wants to take finals. But ya know kids, there are some things in life ya just gotta do, and finals are one of those things. You cannot get out of them realistically, accept it. Besides, what would be the point of showing up to all those classes, all those godforsaken 8 a.m.'s? Finals are a time to prove that you actually learned something in that annoying lecture that you hate, it is not a time to give up and throw in the towel for the semester.
So, don't. Start studying, or if you have been studying, continue to study. Keep it up, champ. Study hard and finish out the semester strong. Why not give yourself the best chance of success you possibly can? After all, you did not come this far to only get this far. It is okay to take breaks from studying when you need them, or when you feel too stressed. Take time to relax and de-stress, maybe with a hot shower or a warm cup of hot cocoa. Review with classmates, and email you professor with any last minute questions that may be on the exam.
You can get through the week, I know you can. Finals are not going to kill you, and it's not the end of the world. The world will go on, life will go on and you will be okay. When it's all said and done, you can sit back and relax, because, by God, you have done it. You will be a champion of finals week, I know it. In the meantime, get to the library and hit the books.
For further motivation, just think of Christmas break. It's quickly approaching. Think of all the sleep you can catch up on, the presents and all the Netflix you can binge watch.
So, to every college kid out there preparing for finals, get out there and kick those finals in the face. You can do it, I believe in you and you should believe in you, too.