Summer is coming and that obviously means we need a whole new wardrobe, right? The thought of summer clothes makes us soooo excited and we can't wait to go shopping to get all the things we've dreamt of wearing for the summer season. We've been patiently waiting to bust out the shorts and tanks for the longest time. The excitement is real...until you actually hit the mall, that is. We're so excited about getting our cute summer outfits on, that we don't think about the things that absolutely SUCK about shopping for summer clothes. Its freaking brutal. As told by the Kardashians, here is what shopping for summer clothes is like.
That winter weight gain is a real issue.
Longs months spent inside doing a crap ton of eating has finally caught up to you as you're trying to squeeze into those high waisted denim shorts, and then you try to justify all the holiday cookies you ate.
Your summer glow isn't there.
Everything looks so unbelievably hot with a summer glow, so when you're shopping for short shorts and your legs aren't beautifully bronzed, it can be a huge downer. Enough for us to leave the store empty handed. We're craving tan lines and sun burns at this point. I highly recommend getting a spray tan before your big shopping expedition.
You're poor from spending all of your money on stupid stuff throughout the winter.
Come time to shop for the things you actually need for summer, you're left hunting for the cheapest things you can find. Thanks to your late night Amazon Prime orders and frozen yogurt sprees, you're pretty low on cash.
When finally find something you like...
Figuring out your summer aesthetic is a huge undertaking.
It's been a full year since you last rocked a summer look. A new summer season comes with a new aesthetic.
When the romper you were going to buy isn't on sale and you thought it was...
Then you just give up and go out to eat.
Shopping for our favorite season is emotionally and physically draining, and we might as well just walk around naked.