Christmas has long since past, and although we all makes jokes about being like the Grinch during the holidays, it can sometimes still feel like we're always stuck in that constant rut that the Grinch embodies. If you feel like you're still an exact replica of the Grinch, take a look at these Dr. Seuss quotes that may help you take on a new perspective.
1. “Today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” -One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
5. "You’re in pretty good shape for the shape you are in. I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” -I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew
12. "When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue, when you start to go should do what I do! Just tell yourself, Duckie, you're really quite lucky! Some people are much more...oh, ever so much more...oh, muchly much-much more unlucky than you!" -Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?
You took care of me and my brothers our entire lives and you still continue to! I will not be able to truly grasp all of the hard work that you put into this family until I create my own one day. But, I know that there are plenty of times I forgot to give you a simple thank you or an appreciative smile. I thank you for everything that you have done for me and will continue to do for me. Here are some examples of those times where you had my back and I forgot to pat your back for saving me:
1. For all of the endless hugs and kisses you always seem to smother me in.
2. For teaching me how to cuddle and being the best cuddle buddy still to this day.
College is hard. As people ages 18-22, we’re just trying to figure out what we’re doing with our lives, our careers, our eating habits, exercise routines, sleep patterns, and other necessities for adult life. We definitely don’t take proper care of ourselves; it’s basically impossible when we have essays, tests and readings due and somehow we’re supposed to eat right, exercise and sleep. We’re doomed to get sick. I have zero experience in science but when I get sick there are certain things I do to make myself better.
1) Hot showers
Anything with steam. The bathroom in my apartment has a built-in vent system when you flip on the light. However, this isn’t very helpful when you’re congested and you’re trying to use the steam so that you can breathe again. There are two options; 1) you can keep off the lights and use the flashlight on your phone to light the bathroom or 2) you can boil water in a pot, remove it from the heat, cover your head with a towel, and inhale. It looks really weird and you have to be careful not to burn your face on the steam, but it helps clear out some congestion.
2) Over-the-counter medicine.
Vitamins, supplements, Airborne, Mucinex, Dayquil, Nyquil (for bedtime), all of it. When self-medicating you have to make sure that you’re not taking too much of one type of medicine. Use Google to make sure your meds are compatible. Also, read all of the directions; you don’t want to accidentally take too much of something. If you’re feeling nauseous, eat peppermints.
3) Honey.
Honey is a natural healing-agent. If you have a sore-throat you can coat it with the honey. Raw-honey is the most effective type when trying to make yourself feel better. Also, honey in tea is amazing.
You’ll feel like a damn Brit. (lol, JK love those Brits!) Actually, though, chamomile tea is really good, there're types of tea that help promote relaxation (I love those). You can brew up some tea, put honey in it and it tastes sooooooo yummy! It also helps you sweat out the sickness, stay hydrated, and the steam from the cup helps congestion. Same thing goes for soup, plus it tastes delicious.
5) The expensive tissues.
Yes, it's tempting to buy the super cheap tissues because college kids are poor, but when you’re going to be blowing your nose 80,000,000 times a day, splurging a bit for comfort is the best option.
6) Vicks.
Do you know how many ways you can use Vicks chest rub (or the rip-off brand) to help yourself get better? It’s insane how many places this stuff helps! For a congestion, under the nose clears that out. A cough, putting Vicks on your chest helps you breathe easier. For a sore-throat, you can rub it on your neck and throat and it’ll ease the pain. The weirdest, but best, place to put Vicks is on your feet. It will cause you to sweat. It’ll make the fuzzy stuff from socks stick to you, but it works so well!
7) Rest and avoid alcohol.
I know, rest is hard because we have so much work to do but take an hour long break every once in a while, go to bed at midnight instead of 3, avoid partying. It sucks if you like parties and want to go out, but your body will thank you and you will feel better with the weekend off!
8) Call your mom.
I’m pretty sure this is advice that I give in everything that I do. My mom is a major supporter of me though, and I do call her a lot. She took care of me for my entire childhood, she took care of my sister too. Mom’s have life experience and just know how to help their children if they can. Even though my mom isn’t anywhere near my school, when I’m sick she comforts me and makes sure I’m doing everything possible to feel better, because she’s my mom and that’s what moms do.
9) Go to the doctor.
If you think you really have to. Personally, I avoid doctors on campus, I try to avoid them at home too. I’d much rather take care of myself with honey and over-the-counter stuff but to each their own.
In college, it takes 0.0000002 seconds to catch a sickness that can put you out of the running for a really long time if you don’t take care of it. When I do all of the things listed, except go to the doctor, it takes me about a week or week and a half to fully recover. Best of luck avoiding the on-campus plague, the odds are not in your favor.
Now that it seems “talking” is the new way to date, and will stay that way until another idiotic term is used to describe the people who can’t settle down and just date someone, I feel as if it’s time to go over the unwritten rules of “talking.”
Rule 1. Having feeling without feeling.
You need to be careful with your feelings. You’re supposed to have feeling for the person you’re talking to, but you can’t feel something for that person. Think of it as dipping a toe into the water — you only put in your toe, not your whole body.
Most of the time, you don’t go public with someone you’re “talking” to. It’s because we like to keep our options open, and not commit to anyone — because commitment means dating, and we don’t play that game. But, with not going public or giving commitment to the other person, brings in the issue of others trying to get with your person.
Well, the answer is: as many as you can keep up with. An average person is “talking” to at least two other people, that way if one of them turns out to be boring/annoying/unattractive, you have other options. We don’t like to be limited to just one option, ever. Think of it like a baseball team — if you strike out with one of them, you still have a ton more to go through.
Rule 4. What About Friends?
If you’re just “talking”, it seems to mean that there’s not enough connection for the other person to lock it down with you and actually date. So, it does mean you can “talk” to their friends, too. You can ultimately get with whoever you want, because “talking” doesn’t mean you’re committing to one person, and the other person you’re “talking” to probably has a few other people on the side.
Vague captions on Instagram photos about having fun with your best friend or a tweet about having a good night with good friends is what you’ll probably be getting. No #wcw or #mcm, because those special hashtags are reserved for only the people you date. See, romance isn’t dead.
Rule 6. How Often You Should Text.
Texts should be answered about 15 to 20 minutes after received, to make it seem like you’re busy and have other people to talk to. If they make you wait, then you’re supposed to double that waiting time and make them wait that amount before you answer them. FaceTime is good because you can’t screenshot what the person is saying in order to humiliate them later when they get tired of “talking” and want a break from you. Snapchat means you should be on the list of best friends, but they shouldn’t be your top best friend because then you look desperate and like you really like this person enough to talk to them more than anyone else in your phone.
And, by the time you finish reading this article, I hope you see how truly dumb this entire setup is. There’s no excuse for it, we’re afraid of getting hurt so we mistreat others by not giving them a commitment and making them constantly second guess where they stand with us. Why put our heart on the line, when we can just break the other person’s heart instead? It’s 2016, feelings were so last year.