September Favorites | The Odyssey Online
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September Favorites

These are a few of my favorite things.

September Favorites

So I’ve decided that it would be fun, at the end of each month/beginning of the next, to share what I’ve loved over the past few weeks, for your benefit and my own reflective one. Things included will be anything from beauty to music to reads, and this is on the radar for the sep to the tember.

First and foremost, my obvious favorite thing- music. Along with the fresh monthly favorite articles, there will be monthly favorite playlists. Partially so I can see where my life was on a particular month, partially so I can look back and be very disappointed in my taste. Regardless, this month’s playlist has vibes like Frank Ocean and Thomas Rhett and Grizzly Bear, oh my. Gift your ears here, september faves.

Being a perfume junkie as I am, it is an exciting day when I find a new perfume that I like. And I like this one a little too much. On September 21, 2016, I walked into Sephora looking for nothing in particular (notably very dangerous) and along the perfume wall I found this. The employee who helped me, who probably knows me by name, said if she could bottle up the sap from a rare tree in a prosperous desert it would be this, but better. The perfume is flavored with notes of a few of my favorites, Nubian Musk, Sandalwood, and Vanilla. Seriously, gold in a bottle. (P.S. apparently Sephora fought for this brand’s line for the purpose of this single perfume- proof). You can see the smell here, Commodity Gold


Not that it was at all necessary to add to my skincare collection, what else would you expect? This month's new obsession is Ren Flash Hydro-Boost Instant Plumping Emulsion. This stuff is close to magic. It is added moisture for your skin if it is feeling dry or lack of glow, despite your skin type. Having oily skin sometimes it can be scary to add a lot of extra moisture, but if you don't, your skin can overproduce oil, which isn't really ideal either. To use this heaven in a bottle, you squeeze a little in your hand and rub it on your face, then you add water and massage until it's all absorbed onto your face. After this, you will feel and visibly see that your skin is plump and hydrated almost as if you just jumped into a lake on a hot summer day.

An unusual favorite for this month, a motivational article. When I read this, I was having a mostly weird day questioning everything that my future entailed, basically the usual. This article brutally states that you can't try to slow down your life, everything happens as it should to you, and time is inevitable. If you are stressed like me or scared of the future like me, you need to read:

Another item dealing with stress (can you tell I have been stressed?), painting. I seriously think this is my new favorite thing. Not that I am foreign to painting or haven't liked it before, I've just decided this is my new frequent habit. Whenever I'm bored or trying not to be busy, instead of picking up my phone or wasting time doing something else, I can twirl some brushes and make something pretty. Also, I don’t know about you but whenever I get too stressed or too much on my plate my immune system seems to forget who they’re living with and I end up getting sick. My point to this is that if you are like me, you’re literally helping your health by playing with colors. What could be better?

To go along with the serene theme, I've enjoyed burning things. These things also go by the name of candles. With each new season, there are a million different smelly good waxes, but my new favorite sidekick to them is a candle warmer. Instead of being retro and lighting the thing on fire, you can simply warm it with the press of a button and have the nice ambiance of a cute lamp attached. You can find one similar to mine here, Aurora Candle Warmer.

And equally importantly, to keep my life at least semi-organized, I care so much for my agenda. Being somewhat old fashioned, at least for now, I like to physically write things down, with a preferably cool pen, in a preferably cute agenda. The one I use is the Sugar Paper Weekly/Monthly Planner and it is baked with every line you will ever need.

Tune in a month from now to see the new new.
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