It's the year you've been waiting for since you can remember: you senior year of college. This means one thing and one thing only, right?! Wrong! Here I am starting my senior year of college but not really. I mean, sure, it's titled my senior year because its my fourth year, but I am going to be taking a victory semester. That's right, not a year but a semester. I am a little bitter that I am not going to be graduating at the end of this academic year, but at the same time, I am a little excited. I know that there is no rule that says you have to finish college in four years, but I wouldn't be opposed to being able to leave in four years.
When you come to college your freshman year, you meet all of these great people whom you hope to finish your college career out with. Well, one day, when your advising messes up your schedule and you find out you won't be walking across the stage with them, it's absolutely devastating. As my fourth year has started, I have had to come to the harsh realization that the majority of my friends will be leaving me for the real world in less than a year. I guess you could say I am a little jealous. I mean, I know I will only be here for an extra semester, but it's going to feel like a lifetime. Might as well be an entire year.
On the first day of all my classes, I can't help but look around and wonder if anyone else is in the same boat as me. You already know as soon as I find someone who is in the same situation as me, I cling to them like a leech. As soon as we get to talking, we find out that the same adviser gave us the same wrong advice, which has led us to the same sucky situation.
Starting my fourth year also sucks because looking around, there are less familiar faces in the hallways. While they may be the freshman class and have the common sense to pick the same school as me, I will never know them. Nor do I care to get to know them. Harsh, I know, but it's the truth. Unless I am apologizing for running into them in the hallway, I don't think I will ever have a conversation with them again.
When the end of spring semester comes around and I am celebrating all of my dearest friends' graduations, it's safe to say that I am going to be a little jealous. It will be a bittersweet celebration because I will be so very happy for my friends, but not so happy that I have to spend another semester here all by my lonesome.