This semester has me facing a larger credit load than I've yet dealt with, an on-campus job, an executive board position with my fraternity, a gig as the campus rep for Rockstar Energy Drinks, and a writing internship with the Odyssey all while trying to retain some form of social life with my buddies and my girlfriend. This semester is, without a doubt, going to be either my undoing or my finest hour. Being the great, generous guy that I am, I've compiled a collection of gifs that I feel will pretty well illustrate what this semester holds for me and my thoughts and feelings about it all. Please, enjoy.
When I absolutely need to schedule a class from 4-7 on Wednesday nights.
When I try to conceive any way to possibly organize myself and handle everything.
Finishing up 6 straight hours of class on Wednesday to realize there are still two days left in the week.
When I finally think I have everything perfectly organized only to have another thing piled on.
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
When I get out of class on Friday.
When my friends ask me how my semester is going.
When my mom asks me how my semester is going.
When my girlfriend tells me I need to relax.
When somebody asks me what my plans are for the weekend, and all I say is "econ homework".
When somebody tries telling me that it could be worse.
When I find that all of my professors this year can actually hold my attention and make class somewhat enjoyable to attend while still be educational.
When I realize that I one of my good friends is in over half of my classes (Joe Biden).
When I try to put on a happy face so my friends and loved ones won't see that my mental state is, in fact, coming apart at the seams.
When I overhear someone talking about how easy they have it this semester.
When I realize that I need to reschedule all my fraternity's rush week events back a week and reprint posters with new dates because no one told us the dates changed until we were less than three weeks away.
When I successfully reschedule my fraternity's rush events and get updated posters printed at no charge to myself or our organization in less than two days.
When I'm serving on the executive board of an engineering and science fraternity as an advertising major and I receive compliments for the work I'm doing.
What I assume my girlfriend's reaction is to this article since she is a mechanical engineering major in the Army ROTC program.
When life is crazy, but I can survive.
Let's hope I can make it through this semester with my sanity intact.