"You're not pretty"
"Looking a little heavy today"
"Hahaha look at your face! "
"Don't flatter yourself the cute guy isn't talking to you, look behind you stupid"
*looks behind and sees a seriously pretty girl*
These... These are just a few of the things that go through my mind on a daily basis...I am my own worst critic, I've been told countless times that I am "way too hard on myself" that I "shouldn't beat myself up so much."
Easier said than done, trust me I know. I didn't always use to be like this, I mean has this affected me a lot in the past? Sure! But I've gone through phases in the past of self-confidence and loving myself… Its just been a while since I've felt like that. I'm always telling my friends, family and loved ones the importance of self-love and self-care because I want nothing but the best for them but at the same time, I feel like such a hypocrite for not taking my own advice.
I often find myself asking myself, why am I like this? Why do I do this to myself? When the answer is simply I don't know… I don't know why I do this too myself, I don't know why I let myself think like this. Call it being a perfectionist, pride OCD, having to be the best, whatever you call it. Be sure to know that even though at the moment it may seem almost impossible for you to think highly of yourself or to love yourself, just know that YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOU ARE IMPORTANT… YOU MATTER.
This funk you are going through is going to pass, you are going to wake up someday and you will look in the mirror and say "You know what I AM beautiful, I am smart and I am talented, loved and my voice matters." I've experienced this a few times actually and let me tell you that it feels absolutely amazing.