Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-determination. All of these phrases are tied together in some way, and one specific way in particular. These three phrases are what gives you the ability to advocate and stand up for yourself. Feel like you deserved a better grade on a paper? Or feel like you've gone above and beyond at your job and not getting any recognition for it? Self-Advocacy gives you the ability to stand up for yourself in countless ways and situations. And it's more important than people think.
Asking for something to change or asking for anything can be awkward and yes it can make you feel a little guilty. Its hard finding the right words to use. But in order to stand up for yourself and what you want, it has to come from you. No one else is going to do it for you because no one knows what you want better than yourself. Believe me, it does take practice but only you know whats best for yourself.
Most importantly, the ability to advocate for yourself can give you a feeling of control over your life, which can help you build your self-confidence and your self-determination. When you're younger it's usually your parents who are advocating for your needs. They go with you to your doctors appointments and become your voice. Eventually, advocating for yourself becomes you're personal rite of passage into adulthood. It happens to everyone, and it's essential to growing up.
I'll admit, I am still learning how to be more confident in everything I do, and standing up for what I want and what I believe in. It's a hard thing to do, but once you begin it makes the harder things much easier. Go after what you want, and don't let anything or anyone stop you.