There is only one person that made an positive impact on my life: my former interpreter, who is also my best friend. She has been with me for eight years. I was inspired by her to become someone who would succeed in life. I learned so much in eight years. It took me about a few weeks to get to know someone.
I found out she was a really good person the first day I met her. I'm glad I met the good people and bad people. Charlotte Hall was one of the good people in my life, who inspired to become someone and be a good person when someone else was having a rough time.
Throughout the days, weeks, months, and years going by, I realized she was more than just a best friend to laugh with, a shoulder to cry on, my go to person, and my interpreter. She was like a second mother to me. That meant a lot! She was there for me from fifth grade to all the way to Graduation Day.
Graduation Day was pretty emotional for me. I would have to leave the most important person in the world for my new life to begin. I did not want to leave. I learned the hard way to let go, but this was even harder for me because she was with me for so long.
Now that I am in college, we still keep in touch after a few months of being apart. I'll never forget what she said: "I'll always be here to support you." That sounds so much better than coming from someone who knows me then someone who does not. I wish her luck in her new journey as I am with my new adventure. She'll need it!
All deaf people can do it because they have moral support from the interpreters, teachers, and families. Do not be afraid to do anything. We're just like any other human in this world.