I Screwed Up And That's Life | The Odyssey Online
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I Screwed Up And That's Life

I Screwed Up And That's Life

We've all been there, we've all done it. No, I'm not talking up puking on all of your friend's shoes. Although yeah, we've all been there, too, at least I have...I'm talking about screwing up multiple aspects of our young lives. Whether it be at work, at school, or in our relationships (or lack there of), it happens. There is something so elementary about screwing up at this age, though. It's like when you were younger and wouldn't be able to go outside for recess for doing something bad (the horror). That's how it is right now, the things we see as the worst possible thing that could happen are really not going to be that bad tomorrow. Believe me...I've done my fair share of f**k-ups and I'm still standing. There are so many ways that screwing up has actually made you a much better person than if you had not screwed up at the first place. Rock bottom ain't pretty, but it is a part of life.

Screwing up just means try again.

If you have screwed up, I'm proud...you took a risk or you took the unknown path somewhere and you landed on your ass. It's okay, it happens to everyone and no one should make you feel sorry for something so usual. The people who haven't messed up are so content with their lives and you don't want that. You want to always be growing and getting better. Don't beat yourself up for aiming for the sky and falling short, you had your goals and ambitions they just aren't achievable...yet. You learn from screw ups and next time not only will you be expecting the storm, but you'll have an umbrella, as well.

You're young, a scratch won't kill you.

No matter how bad things look or seem, they're probably not even half as bad in reality. Yes there are multiple times in the last few years where I thought that nothing worse could happen but sh**, there is so much more going on in the world. Bombings in peoples' own homes, with no sign of stopping. Now I see that me having to stay in college longer than I wanted to seems so minuscule. What, I have to wait a little longer to fully-adult? Yeah, I think I'll live. It's fine you have so much time on your hands that if you do end up screwing up big time you have time to clean up the pieces you wrecked for yourself. Mom always said to clean up after yourself. See? And they say you never listen.

Rock bottom looks so much better at the top.

Think of the time you felt as if you hit rock bottom, the time you cried in your prettiest of dresses on the ugliest of days. The time nothing turned out the way it should/you wanted it to. The nights when you thought there was no tomorrow, but guess what? There was. If you have never felt any of these ways, I actually feel kind of sorry for you because although at the moment it was a sh** hole of a day, tomorrow was brighter and determination was stronger. You now have the life tile you can think back to in the future and when someone you care about is feeling that way, then you can help them get through it. Rock bottom isn't so bad once you're out and, trust me, you will get out.

Life is tough and full of crazy obstacles; yes, we only live once, so how in the hell are we suppose to know how to live it perfectly? This is our first time trying to adult and we're going to have major screw ups. We will all have those times when we feel like the biggest idiots in the world. It's okay, even after you graduate, you will still find yourself screwing up, but those will have a little higher of a consequence, so enjoy these while we still are able to cling to our youth and parents. All-in-all, "How am I ever gonna get to be old and wise if I ain't ever young and crazy"? Thank you, Frankie.

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