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SB2k15: Safety Tips

SB2k15: Safety Tips

If you've seen Spring Breakers, you know that sometimes some real sh** can go down when you're away from home, possibly with a large group of kids from your college, and probably consuming some alcoholic beverages. Now, while it's extremely unlikely for things to go that severely as in the movie, i.e. getting arrested and bailed out by a drug and arms dealer, although I know having James Franco bail us out would be a preset in itself, we still have to be careful. We've heard it from our parents a thousand times, but it is important that we don't let their concerns go in one ear and out the other. The stories we encounter on the news of terrifying kidnappings, murders, etc. while kids our age are vulnerable and on their own without their parents in another state or country are endless, so don't let it happen to you or your friends. Let's highlight the most important tips for your SK2k15 trip to ensure you and your friends a safe and happy return to campus.

1. Have a buddy. Make sure you keep tabs on this person, and can trust that they will do the same for you. Give them your parents' phone numbers, and vice versa. Be sure that you're with them at the end of the night, or at the very least, know where they are and ensure they make it back safe. 

2. Pick a home base. Whether you establish it with said "buddy" or a group of friends, make sure that if you do get separated from each other, you have a "home base" to meet up at. As soon as you notice this person is missing, check your close surroundings and if they're not to be found, head to this location before panicking. 

3. Don't take drinks from strangers. This one is obviously self-explanatory. If you put a drink down, don't let it out of your sight, and if you do, just get another one. It'll be worth the three or four dollars to get a new one rather than to risk it. 

4. Beware the tap water. While the chances you end up over the toilet at one point in the trip might be high, don't let it be because you drunkenly drank the tap water. If you're going out of the country, make sure the water is clean to drink or stock up on water bottles. 

5. Stay hydrated. On that note, make sure you are staying hydrated and drinking enough water throughout the day. For one, the heat and the sun are draining as is, so if you add alcohol to the mix and are prancing around the resort with your friends, you must be extra aware that you are drinking enough water. 

Enjoy your spring breaks, wherever they may take you, and remember to be safe, because you'll want to make it back to campus in one piece before St. Patrick's Day.

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