What in the actual hell just happened? Did we blink? Didn't we just all move in to party central known as Greek Row? Weren't we just curling our extensions, freaking out over outfits, and stumbling our happy selves to the next frat in wedges so tall they reached the freaking clouds? Well, what a year it was on our perfect little world, Greek Row, our little oasis away from campus. Cheers to finding our forever friends, our favorite drinks, the girls we now stay away from, and the frats that throw down the hardest, and finally a cheers to all the amazing memories that were made in these 6 blocks of happiness. Were all dreading leaving our college world behind, and for once in our lives, we are not excited for summer, for once in our lives we are begging for one more month, please. We're begging for one more hot spring day on our favorite deck, dartying at 9 a.m. one last time.
First semester living on Greek Row, let's be honest, we can't really recall 60 percent of it. It was all so real and so new that every person was feelin' some FOMO. The girls got to help secure guys for the frats so they could have some 10/10 pull to chill ratio new pledges, and the frats talked up which sororities were the best so girls weren't totally clueless when recruitment finally came around, which let's not even talk about first semester work week, but in the end, totally worth it for the amazing PNMs every house scored. First semester we all gained some real appreciation for the fast food places two seconds away from our houses, gas station pizza, and the DDs when it got below freezing outside. God bless the DDs, am I right, or am I right? First semester, Greek Row became our home, first semester was full of laughter, forgotten nights, stolen paddles, and a new family. God Bless Greek Row.
Second semester totally rocks your world, let's be real here. Dartying Season returns, the sun gets hot, our beers get colder, and everyone is coming out of their hibernation.You can literally walk outside your front door and see Frat guys on their decks grilling out, all the sorority girls outside tanning, blasting music so loud the whole Row can hear, and all the Jeeps are losing their tops and you get used to all the honking.
More people are forgetting the bar scene and all coming together to throw quads, and dartys so big you're going to tell your grandkids about it some day. Second semester brought bro tanks and high waisted shorts, hot rooms, and bonding. Second semester is full of frat guys who think they're NFL super stars on their front lawn, groups of sorority girls taking jogs (trying to you know, look athletic) and debating on skipping class or leaving early because you "just can't anymore" knowing a darty is happening. How many times can we say darty for second semester...I could've saved this whole part of this article and just typed and bolded one word for second semester: Dartys.
I bet we can all agree living on Greek Row has changed our college experience. Shout out to all of us who made it out alive, because we all know at some point in time, we were all a little worried we weren't. Pretty soon we're all going to be hauling our over packed suitcases full of stolen goodies to our cars, and we know were all going to take one last drive around Greek Row before we make our last exit. As we leave we'll pass frats and instantly recall memories upon memories that occurred in that very house, the front lawn, every where. We're going to see beer boxes, and cups scattered around the lawns, well see the frat flags waving high, and we'll begin to realize that this, this is our home, and these people are our families.
Cheers to Greek Row, we'll be back for ya in August, bigger and badder than the last year.