Literally kicked a curb. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

15 Ridiculous Things College Made Me Do (Part Two)

When you are on your own and tired, things happen.

camp fire on the beach

In This Article:

If you haven't read the first part of this, I would highly suggest to, specifically because the Public Service Announcement placed in the beginning of that article still applies. If you don't feel like reading part one, I will try to cover it quickly. Basically, long story short, I am a pretty boring person and lead a pretty ordinary life. Due to this, please do not expect for the things I consider ridiculous to be what others may deem it. I promise that each of these I have done with a complete sane, mildly bored, brain. With all of this being said, please enjoy the semi-absurd things I have been lead to do in the second semester of my freshman year at college.

Smuggled spoons.

I always have a plethora of knives and forks in my dorm, but no spoons. Win some, lose some I guess.

Had a full conversation with my mouth stuffed with banana bread.

Ah, the things that only make sense with your roommates.

Went to Target at 9:55 p.m. for ranch.

Also so it could be a bullet point for this list. I'm not going to lie.

Argued with Microsoft about the past tense version of "stand".

It was two a.m. (I was TIRED) and I thought it was "standed", but the spell check insisted on "stood". Whatever.

People watched for three straight hours.

It was great fun. I'd do it again.

Compared belly buttons with my roommates.

The only time I have ever related to Honey Boo Boo.

Literally kicked a curb.

My friend and I don't deal with cement curbs telling us what to do. It wasn't until after we kicked it that we realized we just acted out the popular saying "kick it to the curb". And then we laughed. For far too long.

Belted "Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson in a crowded parking lot.

It was invigorating for me and the on lookers I'm sure.

Drove to McDonald's, returned to my dorm, and then drove back to McDonald's for a hash brown.

What can I say? The heart wants what it wants.

Dug in my trashcan for an unopened fortune cookie.

Sometimes, you just need some encouragement.

Went through two boxes of Band-Aids in one month.

I had a job which required business flats and filing. Go work in an office and you'll understand me.

Painted my nails the colors of the rainbow in the middle of Walgreen's.

There are worse things I could do when waiting for someone's prescription.

Went to a sketchy pizza place because I had a coupon.

It didn't even work. I left with no pizza and less dignity.

Let Sushi and Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream count as a nutritious dinner multiple times.

And I'll happily do it again.

Learned how to take naps literally anywhere.

I'd say it's a new talent of mine.

Looking back on both lists, I think I'm proud. These are things I would have never got around to doing without college. Whether it be good experiences that I will repeat or bad decisions that I will try to forget, I wouldn't change a thing. I hope everyone reading this can look back at this past school year with a smile. Maybe you can even follow me and laugh at the head-shake worthy personal fumbles you went through. Either way, happy living!

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