It’s the end of the semester and it has been too long without your best friend. Society wants you to have your life together (just in time for graduation) and the only thing you want is to reunite with your friend who is across the country. The miles between you have never strained your friendship, but nothing beats the sweet reunion!
1. The end of the semester has been a small, tragic, constant stream of losing your mind, and you miss your best friend.
You don’t quite understand where all of this work came from…you had weeks, months, suddenly graduation is way too close, and you don’t have any idea what your life has come to.
2. Your mental state is quickly declining.
Finals are happening, final papers are assigned, group projects are swamping your calendar, you are supposed to be a real life adult in a few weeks and all you want is your best friend home.
3. You are graduating in just a few weeks with no real plans.
All you wanted was to be an adult until you were one. Everyone asks you what your plans are after graduation, the only thing you have planned is how you are going to celebrate being reunited with your BFF.
4. You become all too aware of the fact that many of your Facebook friends are graduating with actual jobs and all you want is your best friend home to make you feel like not having your life together isn’t such a bad thing.
Oh, how I wish I was hired six months before I got my diploma...
5. The only person who understands your pain is thousands of miles away.
Your best friend moving across the country seemed semi-manageable until you began to realize that you are supposed to be a grown up now. All you want is to have a glass of wine and sing pop songs from 2002 with the person who understands you, rather than only having nightly three-hour phone conversations.
6. But then, you remember, the end of the semester means, only a few more weeks until you are reunited with the best!
Surely you can make it through now!
7. Your motivation is now knowing that soon you will see your bestie’s beautiful face.
So you power through the group projects, papers and ignore the impending graduation because you know that no matter what happens, plans or no plans for the future, you will always have each other.
8. You waited patiently, and FINALLY, the day has come.
No more classes, no more deadlines. Now, just some good old fashion bonding time with your #1. All is right in the world because you are reunited.
9. You know that miles, graduation and years could never keep you apart.
Because even if you don’t have grown up jobs or a perfect plan for the future, you will have each other, always.