Going off to college and having to be away from your best friends is always rough, even though you know you will eventually reunite with them. You're never prepared for how it's going to feel when you don't have them by your side everyday.
You start to near the end, and you aren't prepared for how it's going to feel.
Then the goodbye's start...
...and it hurts more than you'd expect it to.
So, you get to school, and you realize that they aren't there with you. You won't be seeing them for a while.
You try to tell your new friends at school all of the hilarious times you and your friends had together...
...but they just don't get it.
So you start writing down every story you want to tell them when you get back together.
And you find ways to cope with your feelings.
Until, you realize, your holiday break is approaching.
You get to reunite with your very best friends soon.
Your excitement cannot be contained.
And when you first see them, you immediately attack them.
Because seeing your people again actually brings tears to your eyes.
And you guys seem to fall back into it, completely in sync.
You go back to doing the weird stuff you always used to.
And you're perfectly content.
That is, until you realize you'll have to say goodbye again soon.
So, you make sure they know exactly how you feel about them.
You get ready to go your separate ways.
But you know, deep down, that they are your people, your best friends. They'll always be there for you. Even if you're not together, they'll be a phone call away.