As a female student in college, I am appalled by the sentencing of Brock Turner. This isn't a case of two students getting drunk, having sex, and regretting it the morning after. This is clear cut, black and white, sexual assault.
To the Stanford Rape Victim,
First of all I want to say how sorry I am for what happened to you that night. But more importantly, I want to say how proud I am of you. You are strong and courageous, and your statement is awe-inspiring and empowering. I have been lucky enough to have never experienced sexual assault first hand, but I have seen its affects. I applaud you for not backing down and not allowing Brock or anyone on his team to wash away his horrendous actions against you. Instead you stood up for yourself and every other girl who has been sexually assaulted and victimized. You have given them a voice when so many have tried to silence them. In a way, you are the Swedish bike riders for those victims. I hope you continue on your path to recovery and are able to enjoy the rest of your life.
To Brock Turner,
I am going to refrain from saying all the nasty things I think you are and wish upon you. But what I will say to you is, how dare you? How dare you force yourself upon any girl, especially an unconscious one. How dare you hide behind your lawyer and say it was his idea "to victimize the girl." How dare you try to blame your actions on alcohol. How dare you try to act like you're a role model and go to colleges to bring awareness of campus drinking. Finally how dare you try to paint yourself as a victim.
I don't know who taught you what consent is, but here is a video that breaks it down for you because you clearly don't understand it: Tea and Consent. Be sure to pay extra attention to the unconscious part since that is where you seem to be struggling. Secondly, last time I checked your lawyer works for you. You pay him. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions and the pain you put this girl through again and again. Also alcohol didn't assault this girl. You did. Most people drink in college. Most people drink through majority of their lives. Most people don't force themselves upon an unconscious person. Saying that alcohol is the reason behind this assault is ludicrous and really shows just how pathetic you really are. Another action of yours that angers the hell out of me is the fact that you tried going to places to advocate the dangers of drinking on campus. Get it through your head. You weren't convicted of drinking. You were convicted of three counts of sexual assault including intent to rape. Go to colleges and tell your story of how you ruined someone else's life instead of saying how drinking alcohol ruined yours. I don't care how fast you swam or how sad you are that you lost your scholarship. The fact that your swim times are even mentioned in this case is irrelevant and offending. There isn't a clause in the law that states that it's okay for you to commit a crime if you can win a medal. The fact that you even complain over your lost scholarship is repulsive. You stole this girl's self-confidence, self-worth, sense of security, independence, and you want to complain about your scholarship.
You are the reason that as a female, I carry pepper spray on my key chain. You are the reason that when I came to college I had to go through five lectures on sexual assault on the college campus. You are the reason why I can't go out by myself. You are the reason why I had to hold my friend as she cried all night and wanted to end her life. I pray that one day you grow up and finally become a man, and you apologize and take ownership of your "twenty minutes of action" as your father so eloquently put it.