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8 Relationships That Keep Me Sane In College

It takes special people to help you make it out of college with your sanity.

8 Relationships That Keep Me Sane In College

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Being at college is a time to build up your independence and grow into yourself. It is an experience that should include more than academics.

But let's face the facts: college brings with it a lot of stress because young people have to worry about academics, dating, working to pay rent, etc. The list of things they worry about is endless. As a fellow college student, I understand the millions of things that run through a college kid's mind throughout the day.

The best thing a college student can do is build and/or maintain relationships, and I do not just mean romantic relationships. There are certain people that will help make college life easier to navigate and much less difficult to handle.

There are so many people in my life I am thankful to have as I go through college. As a grad student now, I can use all the help I can get feeling like the world won't fall apart all around me at any moment.

Thank goodness these people keep me grounded as I move through my education:

1. My mother

I love my mom. We were never that close until I started getting older. Now that I have moved out on my own to go to school, I call her multiple times a week. We talk about everything that goes on. She always has an opinion and will tell me exactly what she thinks about what I choose to do. For once, I appreciate how vocal she is with her opinions.

2. My father

Growing up, I was closest to my father. We had some turbulent moments due to a difference in opinions and disapproval of my choices, but we always made it back to accepting that we are family and need to forgive one another after we fight.

My whole life, my dad has lacked a filter. It was always in our best interest, according to him. I definitely miss how we don't see eye to eye. Our disagreements make life more interesting. I forgot about my other problems by focusing on our stuff.

3. My big brother

We speak the least, but I know I'm in for an earful when we talk. Since he's been there, done that, he is a fountain of college knowledge. He really goes on about finances most of the time, but he gives me advice on all kinds of things. I do usually have to seek him out, now that we're both out in the real world.

4. My sister

If I need someone to gossip with and just have a good conversation, it would be my sister. She is younger, but she has an exciting life. She really is making the most of her college experience while keeping up her grades. She is a lot like our dad, so we disagree a lot. But we have fun when we're together, even if that's not as often. She has a life now, too.

5. My mentor

I have a professor I go to discuss how my schoolwork is progressing. If I need help with my papers or just need someone to talk to about any academic issues, he listens. He offers advice on how to be a better writer while encouraging me to become my own writer by acquiring my own experiences and learning from them.

6. My best friend

She goes to Salisbury, but we still talk a lot. We make every effort to hang out in person and when we cannot, we talk over social media or text. No matter how busy we get, we always have each other to vent or talk to.

7. My roommate

My roommate is very logical, so I get roasted constantly about saying stuff that doesn't make sense. I get my motivation from people like my roommate, who pushes me to do things I don't want to do but know I should. I have gotten over some irrational fears through my roommate's support. A good roommate will help you be a better person and could even be a good lifelong friend.

8. My colleagues

I separate my personal and professional lives. When I'm at work, I do my job. I focus on what needs to get done, but every once in a while, I get sucked into a lively conversation. I have had both deep and entertaining conversations. My coworkers help keep life light. I don't think about class at work or any of my personal problems.

Everything about college seems less hard when you have good people in your corner. I am blessed to have these people in my life who tell me what I need to hear, rather than let me have my way every time. They also lend their ears when I need to talk about my problems. No matter what I need, I have someone for each area of my life that I can confide in.

Just like in life, you cannot go through college alone without having some kind of emotional pain. Mental health should be a top priority as a young person doing things on their own for the first time. Not everything is going to go our way, so we need people at our side to comfort us.

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