Dear Women, Being A Feminist Doesn't Mean You Have To Reject Femininity
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Dear Women, Being A Feminist Doesn't Mean You Have To Reject Femininity

Women should embrace their femininity instead of trying to be exact equals to men.

Dear Women, Being A Feminist Doesn't Mean You Have To Reject Femininity
Autumn Goodman

Currently, we are in the process of redesigning what it means to be female as women across the nation are rejecting any long-held assumptions and stereotypes previously holding them back. Women no longer belong solely in the kitchen; they are not expected to be submissive, and they are definitely not inferior to men. Anyone who is daring enough to object these claims will likely get a bombardment of feminists setting their skewed opinions straight.

However, throughout this process of rejecting female stereotypes, it can be easy to simply discard the entire concept of “femininity” and view it as out-of-date and suffocating.

Of course, we need to acknowledge that many women are capable of throwing a punch and can get some dirt on their hands without receiving ridicules of being “unladylike.” We also need to stop giving "cookie-cutter" definitions for gender roles because a person's uniqueness should not be confined to one universal description. However, that being said, it is also time to realize that femininity is not weakness and certainly not something all women should feel obligated to reject in order to prove their feminism.

Some people believe that the feminist agenda is for women to obtain equality by attempting to be like their male counterparts. They want to be seen as strong, fierce, and independent and reject the previous labels that regard them as emotional and weak.

However, the problem is not that women are too emotional, vulnerable or weak, but it is that American society glorifies the qualities of strength and pride while it undermines anyone who doesn’t embody their definition of superiority. The problem is that people equate superiority with strength while associating vulnerability with inferiority.

Because of this, “feminine” qualities of sensitivity, vulnerability and gentleness are depicted in a negative light while vigor, competitiveness, and authority are viewed as desirable in American culture.

However, power and competition should not be the sole concepts that drive us as a nation. Its time we reimagine what attributes should hold precedence and consider how women can contribute to the betterment of society.

In order to fully understand the value that can be found in femininity, let’s take a look at super heroes:

Within most superhero stories, there tends to be a lot of testosterone circulating the narratives. Along with the muscles flexes and combat montages, many of the male-led plots involve themes of revenge and pay back.

However, when we take a look at one of the only female superheroes, Wonder Woman, her story differs from her fellow men heroes. Rather than fighting in the pursuit of justice and vengeance, she fights for honor and out of the compassion for humanity. The true morality found in her story surpasses those of her male counterparts, and her strength is found in her vulnerability. She embraces her most treasured qualities of compassion and kindness while still being a kickass super hero. Wonder Woman truly encompasses what it means to be female and shows us that there is power in being a women.

Embracing femininity does not make us weak, insignificant, or lesser than men. In fact, our unique distinctions from them is the very thing that can empower us and differientiate us from the overwhelming force of manhood.

Maybe being the ‘weaker sex’ doesn’t have to be seen as a degrading statement. Maybe we can redesign "femininity" to simply mean being conscious of our weaknesses, having a gentle spirit that acts out of compassion, and living in a way that embodies love.

Trying to be viewed in the light of the ‘superior male’ should not be feminist’s end goal. Instead, it should be to prove that our place in the world is just as essential as a man’s and that “femininity” is something to be held in the highest value.

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