My idea is this: Mine is a choice to be my own thinker.
Am I to let the little things, like how the personal events of my every day occur, occupy my thoughts?
Mine shall be a focus on the larger things, like what things govern the actions and thoughts of man.
The travels of the day do not matter. An interaction with a person with whom there was no close connection does not matter.
What matters is why each person did what they did.
How this connects to my way of thinking does also matter.
I do not care about these things.
If one cares about these things they have nothing to offer toward true existence.
Theirs is a self sacrificed awareness. They do not know and they let what does not matter get in the way of what truly does matter. They are wasting the innate gift that they have been borne with. This gift is their ability to understand life to its full potential, and find the meaning therein.
I believe in this potential of man to recognize the meaning for his own existence and find a way to live in a world in which life is valued to its most extent.
We should care. We should work toward our fullest potential. We should be aware.
What is happening in the world? This shall be our first thought.
What ideas do we gain from this awareness of the great and horrible things that happen around us?
This shall help us to understand a self found judgement system.
What are the good and evils that take place? What factors are in play that are facilitating this terror on mankind? How can I be an affective player in the spread of the meaning of mankind? What values are endowed in mankind?
All of these questions will allow me to gather mindful reasonings on the nature of this world that I live in.
I must establish my own convictions on all things that happen, both good and evil, throughout this world.
Those which I find evil according to my convictions will I denounce, both in a state of mindfulness and personal, public, and political action and interaction.
Those which I find good according to my convictions will I work and persevere for after the same fashion as previously.
This is awareness. Living a life that finds full awareness of existence through personal, public and political action and interaction in the world based upon convictions of an absolutely engaged mind in the world today.
I am of this way of life that is in truth the only true and full existence. I will work, in the path that is the way of this life of mine, to first develop my awareness, my convictions, for indeed that is the precondition to living this life of awareness.
I will then, for the duration of my life, function to the fullest extent, within this world, personally, publically, and politically, and in all things beyond these parameters, according to my conscious awareness and true existence.