Most people work summer jobs at the local grocery store or mall. Others work at a restaurant. Then there are the people who work at a summer camp. I have worked at Camp Cedars for five summers now. It has been one of the best experiences in my life. From camping, cooking and shooting sports, to climbing and equestrian, we offer so may activities to explore at camp. My coworkers and I keep coming back summer after summer because we love it so much! Here are just some of the reasons why.
1. Friendships/Meeting New People
Meeting all the new staff for the first time is one of the most amazing things. Working on a camp staff, you spend every minute of everyday with your coworkers. I have met some of my best friends through camp. The friendships I have made will last forever. They are the people who will stay up all night talking, but flip your mattress to wake you up in time for flags. We become a family by the end of the summer. I have also become friends with people from all over the world. International staffers share their culture as they experience ours.
2. Memories
When someone starts a story with "remember this," you know it is going to be a good story. Everyday of camp is an adventure. As staff you have to embrace that adventure.
3. Walmart Runs
Going into town and going to Walmart is of the perks of camp staff. Having the Walmart workers look at you as you walk into the store at 10:30 at night is priceless. You have to buy all the necessities -- Mountain Dew, "staff nip" (wintergreen Lifesavers) and ice cream, plus any other random stuff staff can find.
4. Camp Songs
This is a repeat after me song! Staff gets more involved in the songs than the campers do. These songs are silly however, this is an opportunity for the staff to be goofy and loud.
5. Campfires
Opening campfire welcomes the campers to camp. Staff puts on silly skits, songs, jokes and let's not forget Cotton-eyed Joe. Staff swarms the stage to line dance. In addition, the smell of campfires is the best. During closing campfire, the campers put on the skits. Even if I've seen the skits several times in a summer, they are still funny.
6. Ridiculous Camp Rules
Rule one -- don't die. Rule two -- always have a buddy. Rule three -- have fun. These rules in all seriousness are for the safety of the campers, but are worded in a fun way.
7. Christmas in July
As a staff we are not together during the holiday season, so we celebrate Christmas in July. Christmas in July is one of the best weeks of the camp season. We go all out decorating for Christmas. My personal favorite is my area's silly string Christmas tree. We have a gift exchange and a "Christmas feast." It also ends up being one of the hottest weeks of the summer, which is quite ironic.
8. The Bunker
The bunker under the lake, Fred the guard snapping turtle, and cosmic bowling are all things we tell campers. The Bunker is where staff sleeps. Fred is the giant snapping turtle in the lake. Also the tower folds down into a bowling alley and we have cosmic bowling at night. But are they real? You'll have to be on staff to find out.
9. Staff Games
Staff soccer, I LOVE MUD, Liberation, and Staff Fall In are just a few games that staff play. It is all in good fun, but a little competitive. But who doesn't love a good game or too, or mud? Staff Fall In is one of my favorites. This is where we jump into the pool wearing our staff uniforms.
10. The Influence on Young Lives
As staff we often say, it is not about the income, but the outcome. It's about what the campers get out of the week. We are on staff to provide an unparalleled experience. We teach new skills. The campers get a taste of activities they may not experience on a daily basis.
11. Leaving Camp but Camp Never Seems to Leave You
You can take the girl out of camp but you can't take the camp out of the girl. Whenever camp is over I do go through camp withdrawals, but I always know that I am welcome at camp. Plus, I know all my fellow staff will always be there for me.
Whether I'm coming out for a visit, camping or on camp staff, I know that I will always be welcome at Camp Cedars.