With their oversized heads, stubby legs and generally disproportionate bodies, bulldogs are some of the most awkward yet most relatable-to-ish pooches in the animal kingdom.
1. They get that the struggle is real.
So. Close.
2. Nobody else hates getting up as much as you do. Except them.
3. ...Really.
"Productivity" isn't part of this puppy's vocab.
4. Though every now and then, they tend to surprise themselves.
Not sure if it's pure luck or talent, but we'll go with the latter.
5. They understand that feeling when your try to get your life together, but then everything hits you at once.
"I came out here to have a good time, but I honestly feel so attacked right now."
6. Also, they're clumsy AF.
*Cue One Direction's "Story of My Life"*
7. ...But (try to) do that #fitspo thing, too.
Working hard or hardly working?
8. They've actually mastered the art of BS.
Fake it 'til you make it.
9. ...And can consistently pull it off.
*Cruises into May like*
10. Because tbh, they're more done with life than you are at this point.
Who needs class and finals and pants when summer's right around the corner? #NoPantsNoProblems