Realizing Your College Town Has Become Your Hometown | The Odyssey Online
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Realizing Your College Town Has Become Your Hometown

Realizing Your College Town Has Become Your Hometown
Brent Nashville/Flickr Creative Commons

For most of us, our first year at college was full of stress: being away from home for extended periods of time, leaving our group of friends and feeling utterly isolated, and learning what was expected of us as students in a higher academic environment. We left a place most of us have known our entire lives, or at least a good portion of it, to come to a place where we know maybe a handful of people, and none of the good places to eat.

While we may crave home with family and friends for a while, slowly a change happens.

1. The first thing that changes is that you get a job, usually off campus, that provides you with a little bit of financial independence.

2. You then get a place to live outside of campus housing where you can decorate, (possibly) cook, and not have to hide your weird habits from a roommate to your heart's content.

3. You start not going back home for major holidays or birthdays; usually because you’re working or because you’ve made plans with your college friends.

4. You suddenly realize you haven’t been to see your family in about six months. Feelings about being a horrible child/friend ensue.

5. When someone asks where you live, you start answering with your college town without meaning to, and then feel like you should clarify that “I live here but I’m really from…”

6. You slip and call your college town "home" in front of you mom.

7. By now you’ve started to realize how beautiful your town is, and will defend it to anyone who scoffs at the idea of "living in a college town."

8. Not only do you go to the local festivals and fairs, you’ve also started going to fundraisers for local causes, and people recognize you by at least your face.

9. You’ve taken on some major role in your community or on campus. Like a peer counselor or Big Brother/Big Sister.

But, the moment you realize that the town you thought you’d never miss is actually your home town is when:

10. You’ve graduated/gotten a chance to start a career/been accepted to a higher degree program and you’re going to have to move, and feel the exact same way you felt before freshman year began.

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