If you haven’t seen the video yet, Giancarlo Stanton came back from his “down year” in a big way in the recent Mets-Marlins division series matchup. Luckily, a couple of buddies and I were able to capture the moment in a fantastic way. If you have not seen the video that has been viewed more than a million times in two days and featured on BarStool, House of Highlights, Fox Sports, SB Nation any other sports network you can think of, then you can check it out in the link below.
Our family just got back from vacation and next thing you know we had free tickets right behind the Mets first base dugout. The only problem was this obnoxious fan, who eventually had to walk out of the stadium in shame.
For whatever reason he had a target on Stanton's back but loved Mets' first base coach Tom Goodwin. The heckler in the video would scream things out like "C'mon Goodwin low and away" when Stanton stepped up to the plate. Then he begged Goodwin for a ball, got the ball, then started shouting to him "Classy Goodwin, you're a class act Goodwin." Then he took over coaching responsibilities by telling Goodwin "Low and away, he's a looker" all while Stanton was up.
The fan was able to get away with the “Ov-er ra-ted” and “Ov-er pa-id” chants in Stanton's first at-bat, but the fan paid the price in Stanton's next two at-bats. Stanton's second at-bat was a laser beam that screamed out of the stadium in .001 seconds. This gave the Marlins the lead 2-1.
The next time Stanton got up, our friends told the guy in front of us that if he keeps chanting, "Ov-er ra-ted" and Stanton hits another home run then he has to leave the park. Of course the guy starts chanting again, so my friend pulls out his phone this time.
A couple pitches go by and Stanton just misses a pitch and fouls it back behind the screen. After a few failed video attempts we got the golden footage. The guy says “Ov-er ra-ted” and one second later Stanton launches a moon shot into the upper deck. Upon the crack of the bat I start yelling "Ohhhhhh." Then, right after all our friends start screaming at the guy as you can hear in the video, “Get out,” “Leave,” “Get outta here.” Despite what you see in the video the guy did not leave right away. He made it seem like he was leaving and then stayed with his buddy. About 10 minutes later, after the inning was over, he left. Everybody started cheering for his exit.
The best part of the story is that my friend, Zac, who took the video had a chance earlier in the game to get a ball from Mets' first baseman James Loney. In the third inning Loney was trying to throw the ball to a little kid but the ball bounced on the dugout and right into my friends hands. I know if it was me then I would have taken the ball and not thought twice. But my friend Zac gave the ball back to the kid without hesitating. In a way all of his video’s success is a good karma. But the only problem is that he hasn’t gotten all of the credit for the video, so if you see the video make sure to tag his Instagram or Twitter: @zaccandy45.