5. My relaxation has turned into boredom | The Odyssey Online
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12 Reasons I'm Already Ready To Go Back To School

I can't be the only one...

12 Reasons I'm Already Ready To Go Back To School
Amira Totah

So don't get me wrong, I love a good break from classes but things do start to get boring by week two. I'm in desperate need of getting my college life back together before I lose my mind... And here's why.

1. I need to get back into a set routine

I'm the kind of person who enjoys having a set schedule for my everyday life so when I get thrown off of my routine... It stresses me out, to say the least.

2. I miss my college friendsĀ 

It sucks not seeing people you love to be around! Especially when you're used to being just down the hall from them.

3. Living at home is... a little stressful

I love my family so much but once you move out, going back tends to be stressful.

4. Low-key excited for the classes I'm taking this semesterĀ 

I love what I'm studying so classes are actually pretty fun and I get excited knowing I'm learning things that will help me in my career.

5. My relaxation has turned into boredomĀ 

Being lazy and not having anything to do is nice at first until it turns into complete boredom and you're actually tired of sleeping and not having any plans.

6. I can start using my Dining Dollars againĀ 

Broke college kids life saver. That is all.

7. I need to see my roommate

I miss my roommate so much. I always look forward to seeing her and talking about random things/ just feeling at home with her there... In need of a reunion.

8. I miss walking to class everydayĀ 

Walking to class is almost therapeutic. You never know what you will see or overhear from other people around you. Also, I'm very much slacking on my daily step goal so this is something I need to catch up on.

9. I'm so close to graduatingĀ 

This is a love/ hate situation. I'm ready to graduate but at the same time I'm not so I want to spend as much time here while I can. (On the other hand, the sooner I get it over with, the sooner I graduate.)

10. I miss eating food at my sorority houseĀ 

We have breakfast, lunch and dinner... This one is also a love/ hate relationship.

11. I miss being in the comfort of my bedroomĀ 

I love my room at home but because I can't bring all of my belongings with me, I always feel like I'm missing something. There is just something about my bedroom at college that is so peaceful and homey.

12. IndependenceĀ 

Although my parents aren't strict on me, there is still a certain level of independence that feels taken away when you are at home. I love my parents but I enjoy doing things on my own so I'm ready to get my groove back.

Call me crazy but college has a lot of missable qualities and I cannot wait to be back.

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