Are You Ready for Recruitment? | The Odyssey Online
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Are You Ready for Recruitment?

Your Comprehensive Guide to this Life-Changing Week!

Are You Ready for Recruitment?

UCSB Sorority Recruitment is coming and I know you must be a little nervous about being sorted into the perfect house and family for the next four years.  

Recruitment is an experience like no other whether its pleasant or horrible. Get ready because its a hell of a speed dating ride. 

You are going to meet your bridesmaids, big sister, twin, little sister, and over a hundred lifelong friends, so get excited! Here's some advice from your average sorority girl on how to make the most of your rush experience.

What to wear

Try to dress like you are going to a semi formal brunch with your grandmother, so nothing too scandalous or risqué.

Wear something cute and comfortable because you are going to be walking around for several hours. Don’t wear anything too fancy and stay away from black on preference night because most sororities wear black on that night and it will be awkward if you match. 

Wear something that is you, not something that you think the active members want you to wear. You want to feel as close to "hot shit" as you can; confidence is very attractive to sorority members. 

Don't wear jeans, or anything you'd wear to a football game. I'd recommend wearing dresses. You can also wear a cute pair of shorts along with a flowing top and sandals/wedges. Whatever you choose, wear it with confidence! 


Don’t try anything that you haven’t tried before. . Keep it cute and simple. Always do something that will make you feel confident and beautiful so your true self shines through. You don't need to have your hair, makeup, and nails professionally done like prom. 

***Remember*** Joining a sorority is and should not be based on looks. However, if you look confident in your own skin then the girls will most likely remember you for being real and down to Earth. Try to give the sororities a glimpse of the real you, even though you only talk to each girl for around ten minutes.  

Eat and drink water!!!

You are going to be on your feet, talking for several hours. You need to eat and drink every chance you have. Do not starve yourself because you think it makes you look better! You know what does’t look good? A girl who is so on edge, irritated, and faint that she can barely hold a conversation. Be healthy and happy!

Make friends in your rush group

Some of the girls you meet will become lifelong friends even if you end up in a different sorority. You will have people to eat and discuss your rush questions with when you are given a break to calm your nerves. You will find out that everyone is just as nervous and confused as you are so be open to meeting as many new people as you can!

Try not to look at greek rank

Your rush experience is so much better when you form your own ideas about each sorority. Don't let other people think for you. It impedes your choices. Even if you liked a sorority a lot, you might make them a top choice because of their reputation. You could pass up a sorority that was perfect for you.

If two different schools have the same sorority

Those sororities will be completely different from each other. Sorority reputations and personalities do not roll over into other campuses. It's the students who create these alleged reputations and personalities, not the sorority name. 

If you are a legacy

Put it on your application! Just because you mention that you are a legacy does not mean you have to join that sorority but it does mean that you are a lot more likely to be noticed and selected by that sorority. You want to have choices.

What to talk about

Most likely the girl who is rushing you will start off the conversation, but you can always talk about each others outfits, how you like your dorm, any funny things that have happened lately, or random things you like. 

Usually a conversation will just blossom out of the random things you guys say to each other. I remember talking about "the Starbucks workers are kind of rude" to “We should definitely have a surfing philanthropy.” Just try not to let the conversation die and have an awkward silence. 

Try not to tell them about your personal and private problems because it makes you seem whiney, but try to make yourself memorable in the short amount of time you have.

Rho Gams are your best friend!

They really do care about all of your rush problems and probably have the best answers. They are unaffiliated with their sorority all through rush, so you don't have to worry about them being biased. You can cry in front of them, just talk to them, laugh with them, and pretty much anything else. Remember, they went through the exact same thing you are going through only a couple years ago.

Don't mingle with the Frat Rushers

You can actually get into serious trouble for interacting with them and it's not worth jeopardizing your entire rush experience! You also cannot drink alcohol during all of rush so no partying! If a sister sees you, you could be removed from rush!  

Stop being so nervous

Typically, the sororities are much more nervous about winning you over than you are at impressing them. No girl is going to give you a weird look or be outright rude so just be your own pleasant self and girl flirt your heart out!

How do you know which sorority is right for you?

It can be hard when every sorority appears the same. My Rho Gam told me the absolute best piece of advice that I carried with me through rush. There will always be that one sorority that you remember above all the rest. The one that made you feel a little more at home than the rest. That’s most likely the one that you should belong in but...

If you don’t get into your dream sorority

It just means you weren’t meant to be in that sorority! Everyone usually ends up where they are meant to be, so trust the system and don’t jump to conclusions. You’ll survive and be incredibly happy that you did. If you really think you are in the wrong sorority after a week, then you can always drop and try again next year!

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