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It's Spring And Here Are 10 Tips To Get You In Shape Before Beach Season

Summer really is right around the corner.

It's Spring And Here Are 10 Tips To Get You In Shape Before Beach Season

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The weather's getting better and we all know bikini season is creeping up on us. Extra weight from the holidays is just being a little stubborn, and we are sick of it. So, here are 10 tips to get you back in shape for beach season.

1. RUN!


As much as most of us hate doing it, running really is the best exercise. You sweat like no other and work every part of your body to its max state. Plus, going on a run outside lets you clear your mind and gives you an excuse to listen to your favorite music.

2. Cut. The. Bread.


I know, bread is amazing in all its glory. Sandwiches, donuts, pasta, bagels, cereal - you name it - bread is great but most of the time, it is our enemy. Although there's nothing wrong with a little bit of bread in your diet, cutting it out also cuts out so many unhealthy foods. So ditch the bread!

3. Stop mindless snacking.


Personally, eating is my favorite part of the day. I look forward to meals and feel sad when my plate is finished. However, it's important to listen to your stomach and only eat when you are actually hungry. Our minds often overpower our bodies, and we give in to eating simply because our cravings are strong or we are bored. Try only eating when you are hungry, and you'll notice a difference right away.

4. Look at portion sizes.


Not all 'healthy' foods are as good for us as we think if we over-consume. Everything should be consumed in moderation. And there's nothing wrong with eating a little unhealthy foods sometimes if you realize how much you are eating. Quantity is everything.

5. Fruits & veggies = key.


If you do feel hungry in between meals (which is perfectly normal), try snacking on 0-calorie foods like most fruits and veggies. They fill you up, provide you with energy, and don't ruin your appetite before your next meal. You know what they say: an apple a day takes the doctor away.

6. Start lifting.


Despite the common misconception, lifting weights doesn't automatically mean getting buff. In fact, a little lifting can help slim you down and tone you so that you can really look your best in a bikini. Not to mention, you burn calories all day with just one hour of weight-lifting exercise!

7. Eat breakfast.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that is a proven fact. Regardless of how little your breakfast may be, it is so essential to have a little something in your stomach before you start your day. Not only does breakfast fill you up in the morning so that you aren't starving by lunchtime (which makes you over eat), but it also speeds up your metabolism, allowing you to eat more throughout the day!

8. Drink apple cider vinegar in the mornings.


It smells bad and it tastes horrific, but it really is great for your body. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in hot water right when you wake up in the mornings cleans your digestive system and has health benefits that will help you get in shape while clearing your skin and strengthening your immune system.

9. Stop eating past 10 PM.


We all know it's true: you eat healthy all day, and then after dinner your hard work all goes to waste because you snack until bedtime. Instead of filling yourself up with unhealthy snacks, try eating something like fruit for dessert and then brushing your teeth to stop you from indulging.

10. Go shopping for some bikinis!


In the end, the really important thing is that you feel confident in your bathing suit and there is no better way to be excited about being in a bathing suit than buying one that makes you feel amazing!

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