I was on Facebook the other day and saw a post that said, "If you don't want to be disgusted, depressed or angry, don't watch the news." The quote was synonymous with the mindset that "ignorance is bliss," and sometimes it's more comforting to not know what is happening in the world than to understand the full severity of it.
I say bull crap to that.
I don't think I can press how important it is for everyone to watch the news! Yes, what is happening in the world is disgusting, I am appalled every time the CNN app sends me updates. It feels like every day there is at least one new catastrophe that is rocking the fragile security of this world. Another suicide bombing, another rape case, another cop shooting a minority. What is happening to the fairytale dream that was so beautiful when we were younger?
It is depressing to stay updated with the news, and yet it is vital. For so many reasons, one cannot turn a blind eye to whatever makes them feel uncomfortable or sad. Ignorance is wonderful, yet we cannot live in a sugar-coated fantasy every day. It is not true, it is not healthy, and it is not the life we were given.
This world is flawed, that is obviously true. But it is our duty to be in the world, as in living in it, engaged in it, and relationally invested with others who are living side by side with us. We need to be aware of what's going on every day. We need to be aware so we know how to pray, so we know how to stay safe, so we know what to be on the lookout for. We need to read the news so we can make good decisions on how to handle global, national, and local issues. What would happen to our world if everyone decided to turn off the news with a casual shrug, thinking that the heavy material was too depressing for them?
All this to say, read the news. Stay informed. It is hard, it is depressing, it is disgusting, but it is our world. The only way we can better it is if we know how to pray for it, if we actively keep up with the headlines and vote appropriately. Read the news.