A Definitive Ranking Of The Star Wars Films
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A Definitive Ranking Of The Star Wars Films

From worst to best, here they are.

A Definitive Ranking Of The Star Wars Films

Star Wars is back with its 10th film of the series. While the films are enjoyable to watch, equal they are not. Of course, this is all subjective and not meant to be taken as an absolute truth. Beware, spoilers for all the films (even The Last Jedi) are ahead.

10. Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Yes, this was unfortunately confirmed part of the film series by George Lucas himself. This animated movie takes place in between Attack Of The Clones and Revenge Of The Sith and focuses on the rescue of Jabba the Hutt’s son.

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" sums up everything fans and critics didn’t like with the prequel trilogy. The only good thing about this movie is that the surprisingly good Clone Wars TV series spawned from it.

9. Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones

The prequel trilogy as a whole is generally disliked by fans, but this one is the most egregious by far. An overuse of bad CGI, unlikeable characters, and a plot that can be picked apart by the simplest form of common sense makes this the worst of the live action films. Anakin and Padme falling in love doesn’t feel genuine at all for many reasons, the biggest being that Anakin turns into a psychotic murderer and commits genocide against an entire tribe of Sand People.

8. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

The Phantom Menace will be worse than Attack Of The Clones for many of you, but it personally does have some redeeming qualities (which isn’t saying much). There are more practical effects in this movie that make it look a little more real than Episode 2, and the movie isn’t bogged down by the most forced love story in cinematic history. As much as everyone hates Jar Jar, boring politics, and the silliness of this movie, it at least has a better fight scene at the end than "Attack Of The Clones."

7. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This may come as a bit of a surprise, but this movie didn’t impress me that much. It suffers from Phantom Menace Syndrome, that being the movie really only gets interesting during the ending action sequence. I find the characters lackluster and it relies too much on references and visuals from the original trilogy to the point where its distracting CGI Grand Moff Tarkin and Leia are off-putting and the behind-the-scenes issues with the film are apparent in the final product.

6. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

This movie is the very definition of a soft reboot, which has become so popular right now. It’s essentially "A New Hope" with new characters and some unanswered mysteries. "A New Hope"’s story structure is effective and "The Force Awakens" is compelling, engaging, and exciting to watch, so that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The humor isn’t as out of place like "The Last Jedi" and is much more effective. The protagonists are likable and Rey and Finn have interesting arcs. The movie is visually stunning and the pacing never slows down in a bad way. However, it doesn't beat "Revenge Of The Sith" because it brings very little new ideas to Star Wars. It doesn't earn what makes it good because it cheated off "A New Hope."

5. Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith

Easily the best of the prequel trilogy, "Revenge Of The Sith" brings more compelling characters and action sequences than the other prequel films. John Williams delivers the best score of the franchise to help make the movie emotionally gut-wrenching. While Anakin’s fall to the dark side is questionable and contrived, the movie ramps up with the final act.

4. Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Visually gorgeous and technically sound, this movie has beautiful moments such as Yoda’s pep talk with Luke and the lightspeed sacrifice. It also has some questionable moments with Snoke and Captain Phasma. The problem with this movie is that the most important part of any movie isn’t executed very well.

The characters, Rey and Kylo Ren specifically, aren’t very compelling and don’t have meaningful character arcs. Mark Hamill is amazing as Luke Skywalker, but even he doesn’t agree with the direction Luke Skywalker had in the movie. The movie is bogged down with a Finn sub-plot that mainly serves as a social commentary for our own reality. This comes across as preachy and eye-rolling and really has no place in a Star Wars film.

3. Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi

This movie does have its fair share of problems. Luke’s plan to free Han from Jabba is laughable, as all he does is get everyone captured just to fight their way out anyway. However, the Sarlacc pit and rancor sequences are amazing and Luke and Leia being siblings is a nice twist.

This movie would rank higher if Boba Fett wasn't wasted, the Ewoks weren't ridiculous, and if it didn't slow almost to a complete stop up until the Battle of Endor. The saving grace of this movie is Luke and Vader’s confrontation in the Emperor’s throne room. Its still one of the best endings in cinema even with George Lucas adding Darth Vader saying “No” before saving Luke and that's why it beats the new Disney movies.

2. Star Wars: A New Hope

The movie that started it all. To this day, this movie looks better than the prequels because practical effects will always look real because they are real. All the characters are interesting and easy to connect with, the music is outstanding, and Luke’s journey is unmatched with any other character in the franchise.

Think about it, if this movie wasn’t as good as number two on this list, then Star Wars would not be the cultural phenomena it is today. This movie started the saga and set the example for how a Star Wars movie should be made.

1. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. "A New Hope" started the saga, but "The Empire Strikes Back" defined it. Darth Vader is a pop culture legend because of this movie. This movie paved the way for sequels.

As a filmmaker, you are going to take some inspiration from "The Empire Strikes Back" if you’re making a sequel, regardless if you’re trying to or not. Everything in this movie is tightly knit into a compelling story.

Yoda didn’t just teach Luke the lessons of a Jedi, but he taught the audience lessons for life. Luke’s confrontation with Vader is iconic as one of the best moments in cinema, and "The Empire Strikes Back" will forever stand the test of time.

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