I’ve only been close enough to see the end of a rainbow once..literally in my front yard..I was to scared to go over to it..I do t regret much in my life, but oddly enough, this messes with my head..I regret not looking..

I’ve only been close enough to see the end of a rainbow once..literally in my front yard..I was to scared to go over to it..I do t regret much in my life, but oddly enough, this messes with my head..I regret not looking..
Friendship isn't always as easy as it's made out to be.
Friendship. It's defined as the state of being attached to another person by feelings of affection or personal regard, but what really is friendship? Is it that occasional hallway talk with that one person who always manages to cheer you up? Is it that relationship you have with someone where they can be gone for a long period of time, but when they come back, it's like they never left? Is it spending every waking hour with someone, and knowing every detail about their life? Is it the relationship that's filled with fighting, but filled with even more resolution? I've learned that it's all of these things, and every friendship is different. It's a beautifully dysfunctional mess that should always be cherished and never be taken for granted.
Friendship can help you get through tough times, but it can also cause tough times. The crazy thing is, the same friendship can do both. You might be wondering how this is possible, but trust me, it's not as far fetched as you think. All it takes is one small action to cause a friendship to make a complete U-turn and go into a downward spiral. The scary thing about this is that it might turn back around, or it might not; friendships are completely unpredictable.
Another thing I've learned about friendship is that it's a total wild card. You can find your greatest friendships in the most unlikely places, like in your desk group in fourth grade when you didn't have many friends and needed someone to talk to, in an awkward conversation in your third period class on the first day of freshman year, or in the car ride home from play practice that you desperately needed because your parents couldn't pick you up.
Some friendships you've just always had and don't really know where they started, like with people from your church or with family friends whom you've always known. None of these friendships are more important than the others, they just all began in completely different ways. On the other hand, friendships can come to an end for a variety of sad and unlikely reasons. Sometimes friends grow apart, and there's not much you can do about it; unfortunately, it just happens. It could be a slow and gradual thing that you see coming, or it could completely blindside you and leave you wondering what went wrong. In some cases, you find out that your friend was never really a friend at all. This ending typically takes the biggest toll on a person, but leaves them better off in the long run. This type of friendship is completely toxic, and should have never happened in the first place.
Although friendship is commonly associated with positive things, not all friendships are good for a person. Friendship should never be one sided, but far too often, it is. You can make sacrifices and put everything you have into a friendship, and your friend still might never do a single thing for it. Some people take it a step further; they'll not only fail to contribute to the friendship, they'll do things to destroy it. They'll talk about you behind your back or even ridicule you to your face without hesitation. These "friends" will do everything they can to tear you down and make you feel like a lesser person. If your "friends" treat you like a punching bag, then they're not really friends at all; they're bullies. These people use your loss of self confidence to boost their own, so you should never take what they say to heart; you can't give them the satisfaction of successfully tearing you down. The things they say are wrong with you are the faults they see in themselves and their own insecurities.
So, I guess the big question is, why do we put ourselves through this and continue to be friends with this person? Well the answer to that is actually quite simple. The person has convinced us that we're nothing without them. We think that if we stop being friends with this person, we won't have any friends because we're so awful nobody would ever want to be around us. This game of psychological warfare has been going on for so long that our chances of actually working up the courage to leave this person are slim to none, thus allowing this toxic friend to keep their confidence crutch close. This type of friendship, if not dealt with accordingly, can be detrimental to a person. This toxic friendship is one of the main reasons why we need true friends in our life.
True friends are extremely hard to find, which makes having a true friend even more special. True friends are like puzzle pieces; even though they're nothing alike, they somehow fit together, creating a beautiful masterpiece that is completely unique. A true friend is the person that you never get sick of; you can spend every minute of every day with this person, and you still get excited every time you see them. It's the person that your family loves and claims as their own. The person who you know will always have your back and listen to your problems. The person who you can truly be yourself around because they love you for you. True friendship is one of the most important things in a person's life. When your life is constantly changing, it's the one consistent thing you have.
Your true friends are like the calm in the storm.
They're like a breath of fresh air when everything around you is going up in flames. Although true friends could possibly be the only thing keeping you sane, at the same time, they can drive you crazy. This happens when they make you eat healthy, go to the gym, or really do anything you don't want to do but know you really should do. This is another amazing thing about true friends; they always push you to be the best version of yourself. They love you and always want what's best for you, despite the fact that at times, you don't even want what's best for yourself. In addition to this, a true friend is also your number one fan. In everything you do, true friends will always be on the front row, cheering you on. They constantly shower you with endless love and support. All of this proves the most important thing I've learned about true friends; a true friend is your "person." I know that being called someone's "person" is a cheesy, outdated term, but its the best way to describe a true friend, or more specifically, your best friend.
Your best friend knows everything about you, from your favorite color to your medical history; this person knows you better than anyone else does. Also, best friends always know how to cheer you up, whether it be your favorite food or a reminder of the endless inside jokes that the two of you share. A best friend makes the hard parts of life a lot easier and the good parts even better. They're the one person you want by your side through thick and thin; you always wonder what you did before you met them and how you would ever live without them. Despite all of this, I know that every friendship is different, and you might not have been able to relate to a single thing I've said, but there is one thing I've found remains true in every pair of best friends. Your best friend is the one person you love most in the world.
I've known you your entire life. More than likely I held you in the first three days of it and at least one of us cried. Cousins are truly one of the best things in the world and while sometimes I complain about how many people crowd Grandma's living room on Christmas Eve, I wouldn't trade you all anything.
You are my best friends, the only people who can understand what it's like on Thanksgiving, and you are the spunkiest people I have ever met. But you as so so young, most of you are just now starting your adventures in the public education system. I mean, I'm so very young too. I'm not married, I don't have children, heck, I just started my adult life, but I do want to give you what little advice I have. My dears, these are the things I want you to know.
Like I said earlier, you are young and you have so much in front of you. It's okay to make mistakes, and be a kid, and get your hands messy. Take advantage of your youth and realize because you are young you don't have to have it all figured out right now, when you're 18, or ever.
With so much of your life and so many decisions in front of you, there will be things that scare you. Getting called on for an answer when you weren't paying attention, your eighth-grade vaccinations, walking into the hospital after someone you love had a heart attack, and going off to college, to name a few, will make you think it's easier to run and hide under the sheets.
No matter how much of a 'Big Kid' you are, some days you're going to have to dig really deep to find your bravery. I would be lying to you if I told you that this entire summer--the summer before I start college-- didn't involve me having to carry my bravery with me every day. It's okay that you're scared, but don't let your fear determine how you live your life. Let your bravery (as minuscule as it might feel) be bigger than your fears.
There will be thousands of people who will tell you how you should live your life, but at the end of the day, it's yours.
There will be opportunities that will change your life forever as long as you're willing to take the chance. The best endings have the riskiest beginnings; don't let your life pass you by because you are afraid to take the leap.
Right now I know playing is a part of your daily life, but it won't be forever. The older you get the more responsibilities and technology will take forever. That's okay and completely natural, just make sure when you're given the chance, run around barefooted for hours and play with your cousins.
I know, I know. That is literally the lamest and most stereotypical thing I could have ever said. I probably just lost the status of your favorite cousin, but as the big kid I am I've never regretted listening to my parents and every life lesson they offer.
It won't be easy, but putting Him first is the most important thing you will ever do.
Friends come and go, but family is here forever. You will never look back at your high school years and regret spending the day helping your grandparents instead of going to the popular girl's party.
School, friends, and jobs are important, but never as important as God and Family.
Yes, they are going to break your heart, but don't let them break your spirit. Also, you will have your entire adult life to worry about dating, don't throw away your teenage years chasing after 'The One'.
I graduated high school last May and I'm asking myself how that happened. Enjoy every second and every stage. Never take a moment for granted and don't rush anything. You're exactly where you're supposed to be.
Yeah, you might not be able to buy that new computer game, but your 18 year old self will thank you for it.
It might not be cool to study the week before your big test, but more opportunities will be opened by good grades than by cool stories.
No matter where that number is coming from: the grade book, the scale, or the dollar amount in your bank account you're so much more.
Shaking hands is the foundation of introductions, business building, and promise making. Make sure your foundation is a sturdy one.
Not everything is going to go as planned. There will be some points in your life everything falls apart whether that be when you're trying to figure out what to do after graduation, when someone passes away, when you don't make the team, or when your dad loses his job.
The best changes and the most rewarding opportunities happen when life doesn't go as planned.
No one ever remembers the cool kid. You will never regret being kind.
The benefits of staying hydrated are insane. Drinking water will solve roughly 97 percent of your problems.
Yeah, scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest is a great boredom killer, but it's not a hobby. Do magic, learn an instrument, or read a book. Not only do hobbies engage your brain, but you'll be genuinely happy when you do them.
Sunscreen, wash, moisturize, exfoliate, tone, and moisturize again.
One of the best parts of having actual paper books is being able to loan them out to your friends. Loaning a book is like showing the reader a piece of who you are. Just make sure to clearly mark that they're yours or you might never see them again.
Brush at least twice a day for two minutes a day and your pearly whites will look good and you won't have to occupy the dentist's office every six months.
I'm just a phone call, text message, or short drive away. A thousand miles, next door, or somewhere in between, I promise to be there for every girl/boy problem, family event, and fight with your sister.
You are a senior in high school, you have made it to the final year that you have been looking forward to since the first day of freshman year. Whether this has been the worst or best four years of your life, appreciate it. You will never have these times back, you will never be in high school again. It is hard for someone still in high school to wrap their brain around, but there will be a day when you wish you could be in the shoes you're in right now. Here are 15 things I have learned being in college that I wish I knew as a high school senior:
Seriously. I know you’re seniors and all you want is to get out of high school, but trust me YOU WILL. Be patient and live in the moment. Right now is your last time to ever be in high school, take advantage of that and have no regrets.
There will be a day when you can’t remember that guys name that you had a crush on in history class and there will be a day when you miss that class you had with your best friend. Take it all in. Look around at each person who has impacted you in one way or another and appreciate that you have them right now, because you won’t always.
You don’t want to end up at a college you don’t like because you didn’t do enough research...trust me. Look at retention rates, campus housing, majors available, what there is to do outside of campus, clubs available, etc. You will be living there for the next four years, you need to know everything you can about every college you're applying to in order to make a good decision. Collegeboard.com is your best friend right now.
The truth is you won't really know what a college is like until you live there. I visited my college twice and even stayed overnight with current freshmen. What I experienced during those visits is much different than what it is like to actually be here, but it is the closest you can get and it is important that you do that.
Seriously, in a couple months you will never see half of these people again. If someone called you a loser, screw them. It doesn't matter whatsoever. You're not what others say you are and you need to understand that. You will be surrounded by a whole new group of people in a year and can recreate yourself in any way you want.
I honestly do not remember the day I graduated at all. It was so surreal and something I had worked so long for, I just couldn't grasp that it was happening. Don't be me. On graduation day, breathe and remember what you see, what you feel, the people who are screaming as you walk to receive your diploma.
I go to school in the middle of nowhere and I didn't realize that until I came here. Look at transportation options around the schools, find out where the closest mall is.
Honestly, you will go to college and make new friends. If you don't have many in high school, don't sweat it that is one less person you have to say goodbye to when you go off to school.
They don't define you, and they certainly don't restrict what colleges you will get into. Try your hardest, but if you don't do as well as you wanted, don't freak out.
Your workload will double, maybe even triple in college. Get used to not procrastinating or else you will struggle in college.
Weekends will be your only free time in college, so enjoy being able to come home from school and relax.
That one test you got a D on, it's not going to alter your future and restrict the rest of your life.
This was one of my biggest issues my senior year. If your friend got into Harvard, great for her, but don't be ashamed if you're going to a state school. No one is judging your college choice, and if they are- who cares? Go where you can afford and where you think you can thrive.
This is your last chance. Don't skip out because the boy you like didn't ask you. You will never have another senior prom.
I know you're all rolling your eyes at this one. High school was probably the worst four years of my life and I was the LAST person who would ever miss it. But I do. There are many classes and people and activities and clubs that I wish I could relive. College is crazily different from high school and it will make you miss those four years.
I hope you take these tips to heart. I truly wish I had known these things when I was in your shoes, if I had, I would have spent my last year in high school much differently. Think about where you will be in a year as you walk the halls, as you sit in class, and as you eat lunch with your best friends. Appreciate the moment, it will be over soon.
Everyone, and I mean everyone has heard of the show "One Tree Hill". Many people think that this show is the best thing they've ever watched and others won't bother watching it because they know they'll get hooked. And yes, I know many people have written about this show before, but I couldn't resist. I could re-watch every season multiple times to the point where I can almost quote an entire scene. Trust me, once you start "One Tree Hill", you will be hooked. There's way too many reasons to list as to why you'll love this show, and these are just a few.
I mean, just look at these two. Even though they've just become close as brothers and had an extreme hatred for one another, basketball brings them close together. These two heart-throbs become the guys that every one wants but not everyone can get.
They may bicker constantly, cry over the same guys, and sometimes hate each other, but at the end of the day, every girl wants a best friend relationship like Peyton and Brooke.
Brooke Davis is by far the most loved character on the show. If you weren't friends with her, you hated her because she was absolutely perfect. Loved by all guys and hated by most girls, Brooke was the queen of her school.
Nathan and Haley, otherwise known as 'Naley', were the first relationship goals any teenage girl ever had. The star athlete falls in love with the tutor and it's been every girls dream ever since.
"I want to be someone who's good enough to be seen with you."
Oh GOD. This love triangle keeps everyone on the edge of their seats while watching the drama unfold between who Lucas actually wants to be with. He starts off with Peyton and then ends up with Brooke and then flip-flops back and forth constantly.
But, we always knew that he really wanted Peyton. Even when he was with Brooke he'd be thinking pf Peyton. So, when she brought up who would be standing next to him, everyone KNEW he'd choose Peyton in the long run.
When Keith passes away, everyone was absolutely devastated Keith made this show complete. He had the biggest heart around and was the father figure in Lucas' life. Without Keith, Karen wouldn't be Lucas' strong mother.
Just watching Nathan Scott play basketball was enough to get you hooked. He looks so good in his jersey and this episode specifically was the most exciting to watch. The show itself revolves around basketball and it's what keeps Nathan and Lucas' new relationship so kept together.
Quentin, or 'Q', was one of Haley's students. Although he was slightly a punk, him and Jamie created a bond that was one of the closest ones on the show. Unfortunately, Quentin eventually dies and it leaves little Jamie heartbroken.
Oddly enough, Peyton gets stalked, meets her biological parents, and is wound up being independent yet mysterious. She originally dated Nathan, when she was still in her cheerleader stage, but once they broke up she being quiet and slightly gothic. She ends up dating Lucas but has a creepy stalker, Ian, who claims to be her 'brother'. She's an interesting character to say the least.
Dan Scott is 100% the villian of the show. From abandoning Lucas as a child, to pressuring Nathan into basketball, to ruining Karen's life, to his wife begging for a divorce, to having the entire town of Tree Hill hating him, Dan Scott is the worst human being to ever live.
This quote has probably popped up on your Instagram feed 50 times on a ton of girls posts, but hey, it's a scary thought. One Tree Hill is filled with quotes that get your mind spinning because they're so deep.
Every couple ever on this show makes you want to roll up in bed and cry because you don't have a relationship like any of the ones on the show. Ugh.
You get so engaged in every episode that you honestly think Tree Hill is where you're from too. It's weird..
No matter the fights and the drama and the young teen maraiges, you dreamed of the friendships made in "One Tree Hill".
"One Tree Hill" will forever be a part of my life and I would recommend to anyone to watch this show. You won't regret it! Sorry if it takes up all of your time though :)
It seems like life has been serving up more bad than good and in all honesty, the only thing you want to do is crawl under your covers and hide from the rest of the world.
The first two weeks of classes have come to an end and they have been anything BUT easy. It seems like life has been serving up more bad than good and in all honesty, the only thing you want to do is crawl under your covers and hide from the rest of the world.
Although this seems like the best solution, it is also the easy way out. Take it from the girl who took basically a whole week off from her life because she just could not handle everything that was being thrown at her. This caused her to feel extremely lonely and even more stressed out for being behind in classes that JUST began.
Throughout the week, numerous things were made clear to me that I knew in the back of my head but needed either reassurance or a better understanding of. Here is a list of things to remember when life seems to be weighing you down more than you can handle.
I am lucky enough to have a great circle of friends and an amazing and supportive boyfriend. They are always there for me but it is time when I am struggling with anxiety that I see it the most. They continue to remind me of God's love even when I cannot see it at the time and to let me know that in the end, they are always there.
Personally, I am an introvert who loves her alone time. Whether that be in my room with some candles on while reading a great book or going watching a movie by myself, I crave that alone time. Explain to your loved one that if it is best for you specifically, some space could greatly benefit you when you are feeling anxious.
This is something that someone dear to me continued to remind me of this week. I was stressing over something that 1. was unavoidable and 2. was something that would require some hard work to catch up in. I was reminded that even though I may constantly be thinking worst case scenario does not mean that will happen (and he was 100% right).
As a writer, I go through stages of writer's block. I feel like all my ideas are "already done" or "not original." The same thing can happen in a class when I am not understanding a concept. It is crucial to remember that during these times just because something may seem "overdone" or "hard to understand" does not mean that it is. I sat down with my computer last night and out of nowhere realized articles may sound similar but these are MY opinions and thoughts. That has never been heard. Classes with hard concepts? I learned that sometimes you just have to out that extra time in and really give it everything you have.
This is something that I definitely have been struggling with. I am going through so much, where is God to help me? He is there when you are crying your heart out. He is there when you feel that push that you need to pray because there is nothing else to do. He is there through the friends who are filling you with love and encouragement. He is always there.
Songs About Being 17
Grey's Anatomy Quotes
Vine Quotes
4 Leaf Clover
Self Respect
1. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society
2. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook
3. Kristen Haddox, Penn State University
4. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook
5. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign