Everyone has those days when you walk into your job and want to instantly walk right back out. I've worked a couple different jobs in my few years on this planet and there is always a few qualities that can make me want to quit on the spot and try rapping as my next career. While contemplating dramatic ways to just up and quit my jobs, I've come up with a few good lines to possibly use if one day I really just want to be over the top dramatic and quit my job. With that said, here are some dramatic, melodramatic, funny, and completely absurd ways to breakup with your job in five words with effects and commentary by Taylor Swift GIFs (with reasons, because most people can't just take no for an answer).
1. It's not me, it's you.
I was a normal, high-functioning, human being before working you. You've changed, and you've changed me. I don't think this is a healthy relationship anymore. Please don't call, we are never ever getting back together. The management sucks, the people suck, and you file your taxes weird.2. It just is not working.
I think that you and I just are no longer compatible. I think that I have come to out grow my current position and you clearly do not want to promote me any time soon. With that being said, I just don't think this is working anymore, sorry.
3. I can do better elsewhere.
I've been working here a year, gotten employee of the month three times, and I'm still being paid minimum wage. This retail job doesn't even have anything to do with my undergraduate degree that I'm paying out the nose to get. I can do better elsewhere, so I think I'll go there.
4. You're not paying me enough.
I know that this was a great experience for me, and there hasn't been anything else like it. I just wanted to tell you that I do not get paid enough to deal with these people who insist I'm trying to insert tracking devices for the government when I'm just trying to collect demographic information. Sorry for the short notice, but I need to expand my wings and fly somewhere where they understand that being paid will make me keep my cool longer.
5. I'm done with this crap.
I've slaved for you, over you, for countless hours. I need a break, I'm exhausted. Keeping up with you is taking a toll on my young body that I don't need right now. I'm sorry to break it to you so bluntly, but I can't deal with you any longer.
6. I'm quitting, see you never.
Goodbye now, goodbye forever. I don't want you to be sad about me leaving you, because I definitely will not be sad about it. I never want to see you again. Hasta la vista.