11 Things I've Been Asked Because I'm American | The Odyssey Online
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11 Things I've Been Asked Because I'm American

11 funny questions about American culture asked by non-Americans

11 Things I've Been Asked Because I'm American

American culture seems to know no bounds; no matter where I've traveled, everyone seems to know more about my home country than I know about theirs. As an American abroad, I've been asked more than a few curious questions about the good ole US of A. Everyone is dying to know if their favorite American TV show really portrays America accurately. So I've done to the best to my ability to convey American culture to those interested and have written down the funny questions in the meantime.

1. "Have you ever been to a frat party? Was it huge? Did the cops bust it up?"

Sure I've been to a frat party; my tales were not quite the exciting party scene that they had expected though. Although they did find the concept of "campus police" quite comical.

2. "What's it like to live on campus? Do you really have to share a dorm room?"

In Europe, most times the city itself is the campus, and it's not uncommon to not live in the same town as your university. Sharing rooms is almost unheard of as well; people share apartments, but I was told that only the bathroom and the kitchen are meant to be shared; everyone gets their own room!

3. "Does everyone actually wear clothes with their school logo on them? I would never walk around with a University of Leiden shirt on!"

My college apparel makes up about 40 percent of my wardrobe, so it's quite strange to see no students here representing their university. It took me two weeks to even find a store that sold university apparel!

4. "Do Girl Scouts actually exist? Do they really sell cookies?"

What followed was a serious discussion of the magic of the "Thin Mint."

5. What's a 'Smügel'?"

It took awhile, but I finally established that they were asking what a "S'more" was.

6. "Why is everyone in America obsessed with a gorilla?"

I wasn't able to answer their questions about Harambe because I honestly have no idea.

7. Are American high schools just like 'Gossip Girl?'"

We all wished.

8. "Who owns America? The Royal Family technically owns Holland, so does Obama own America?"

Who owns America? The American People, that's who.

9. "Does everyone in America own a gun? Have you ever shot a gun? Do you own a gun?"

This was probably the most frequently asked and most annoying question. I've never even seen a gun in real life.

10. "What does Thanksgiving dinner taste like?"

Heaven. It tastes like heaven.

11. "Why are people voting for Donald Trump?"

We've been asking ourselves the same question for months.

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