We’ve all fallen victim to the attack of stress. Sometimes we take on too much or sometimes we procrastinate, it happens to us all. Either way you’ve experienced the panic filled feeling of stress and it’s not pleasant. The good thing is that stress is totally avoidable and a less stress life is a happy life. So let's start of the new school year positive and productive.
1. Do it Now, Not Later
The biggest and most important tip is to not procrastinate. I know, it sounds very unrealistic, but plot twist - it is actually doable. Personally, when it comes to homework assignments and club meetings, I write it down in my planner. I usually write due dates in my planner according to what the syllabus has scheduled. This gives me a great resource to see what I have going on for the upcoming weeks. Also it gives me a head start on projects and studying.
Do not wait until the last minute to do your work. If you have time earlier, why wait? The anxiety of putting off a project or studying is not healthy. It feels great to be done with a project ahead of time. This way you can relax and if needed make final adjustments. Time management is crucial to be successful!
2. Do Not Take On Too Much
This is a step I struggle with. Sometimes there’s so much I want to do but not enough time. Joining a dozen clubs seems like a lot of fun, until you are double booked for meetings and have a huge essay due at midnight. Sometimes you have to prioritize your tasks. This can be tricky, but think about what’s the most important to you.
3. Know Your Limit
As human beings we can only take so much. Know your limits, both physically and mentally. If you have had a few busy days, make sure to have a day to rest. We all need a day just to lounge in our pajamas and catch up on sleep. Stress has negative impacts on your body as well as mentally. Don’t push yourself; this only leads to more stress and sicknesses.
4. Realize That You’re Not Perfect, And That’s Ok
We set very high expectations for ourselves and sometimes they are not realistic. Trying to live up to standards that are impossible to achieve is toxic. It stinks, but failure is apart of life. It’s important to evaluate your goals and to have a mindset that sometimes things don’t work out. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. All you can do is try your best!
Try your best to avoid stress as much as possible. I know life can get crazy at times and due dates sneak up, but by eliminating stress from your life you can relax and have fun.