We all have that one friend in the group that's "mom". They take care of everyone, make sure the kiddos are in line and give the advise that you usually don't listen to when your actual mom or dad give. They might be the same age as you, but they act older. They might even of gone through the things you're now experiencing at an earlier time. In my case, I have always been "mom" and here are the pros and cons, in my opinion, of the position.
1. You're more respected
Yes, I get complained about because everyone fights with their parents, and taking the roll of mom means your friends will be annoyed with you too. However, they look at you in a way they don't look at others. They respect your views even if they don't always tell you.
2. You feel good about yourself
When your friend is sitting there crying over a dumb boy who broke their heart, you're the one that they come crying to. You get everything in line, the chocolate, the sad and happy movies, the tissues, so you can help them move on. They'll sit and cry on you and then hopefully, you'll watch the light come back on in their eyes because you see that they're taking in your help and advice to move on. So now, you feel better about yourself because you now know your advice works.
3. Advice
The reason why you're mom is because you either have gone through more experiences than others, or you just have a caring nature. Either way, it works in your favor for others. You know how to deal with issues so you want to give your life advice to others. They may or may not take the advice of handling a situation right away, but eventually they'll see you were right and follow it.
4. Line of work
For my future career, I want to work with kids in the field of psychology. With the help of being the mom almost my entire life, it's helped me learn patience and love for others, even if they don't listen to me right away.
1. Annoyance
Yes, as much as they respect you, they are annoyed with you. It comes hand in hand. Just like you're annoyed with your parents with telling you what to do, they don't want to hear it from you either. Though in the end they're more willing to take what you say closer to heart because you're closer in age. Real parents just don't seem to get it.
2. Watching them go through things
It breaks your heart when you watch your friends going through something. You feel their pain, just like a real parent would. You however, get more detail of everything because in the end you're still a friend, and friends get the bigger picture than the real parents do. So when the little baby ducks you helped raise get their heartbroken, and you want to kill whoever or whatever broke their innocent hearts.
3. No breaks
Sadly enough, you don't get to be a kid, so to speak. You're mom, whether you signed up for it or not. And once you're mom, you'll always be mom. Though if you're lucky, like myself, you'll find another mom. So now, you get to take a break every once and a while and relax and enjoy yourself.
In my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons of the job and I don't mind the position. It makes me feel important, and helps me with a purpose in life. I love taking care of my little ducklings and can't wait until I raise my biological ones (though way, way into the future). If you're not mom, but you have that friend that's "mom", listen to them. Try not to give them crap because they do care for you and want whats best for you. Even if you think they're full of it sometimes, they only want what's best for you.