1. I really want to go shopping, I could always use more clothes.
2. I'll just walk around University. I promise I'll only buy one thing...
3. ...or ten.
4. I'll start at Urban, they always have something.
5. That shirt is so cute!
6. And it's also way too expensive. Where's the sale rack?
7. These are obviously on the sale rack for a reason. Time to go to the next store.
8. This is all so cute, and not even that expensive!
9. Wait, I know that girl. Ugh, I really don't want to talk to her right now.
10. I'll just pretend I don't see her.
11. Just look away, don't make eye contact, pretend to be looking at these dresses.
12. I think she just went into the dressing room. I should probably leave before she comes back.
13. This is all really cute, too. Wow, these stores are great.
14. Wasn't that dress at the other store? I should compare prices and see which one is cheaper.
15. Nahhh, that's way too much work.
16. That store over there looks really cute, though. On to the next one!
17. Mmmmm, Chipotle. I definitely could inhale a burrito right now.
18. No, focus! It's shopping time, not eating time. I need an outfit to wear out tonight.
19. Hey, this shirt is pretty cute. I should try it on. And this one...and maybe this one.
20. Holy--ugh, the lights in these changing rooms are so bright.
21. Have I really looked like this the whole day? Yikes.
22. I'll try this shirt on first.
23. Woah, it's so tight! I...can't...breathe...phew, got it on. Is this a shirt for grown women or for babies?
24. I'll just try taking it off slowly and without ripping it in half.
25. Maybe I'll just try this dress.
26.This. Is. Perfect.
27. Except...wait, can you see my pink underwear right through the dress? Yes. Yes, you can.
28. Ugh, the last shirt is $40. I'm not even gonna try it on.
29."Yeah, none of them worked. Thank you though!"
30. I'm walking too fast out of here, they probably think I stole something. Act casual.
31. Next store--wait, it's that girl again! Looks like I'll just skip this store.
32. Last store and I still don't have anything.
33.I'll just buy that shirt: it's simple, plain and I can actually afford it.
34. Yep, this is all, just this black shirt. I don't need to try it on, I can just return it later if it looks bad.
35. Well, that was fun...now time for Chipotle.
Politics and ActivismOct 07, 2014
35 Thoughts You Have While Shopping On University
35 thoughts that girls have while shopping on University Boulevard.