Pretty Little Liars is my ultimate guilty pleasure. This show has been airing for 6 and a half years and the fans are still on the edge of their seats wondering who the mysterious A is. Although I love the show, it has declined in quality as it has continued to air. Currently, I am only watching the show to find out who the elusive Uber A is and to see if the show runners can tie up many loose ends.
I started watching the show the summer before my sophomore year in high school. I never missed an episode. I would change my plans to hang out with friends if they interfered with my show. I also dreaded my Tuesday night color guard practices that did not end until an hour after the show aired. It was such a hassle to watch Pretty Little Liars at 10 o’clock instead of at its 8’oclock airing when I still had homework and to get up early for school the next day. I didn’t care though, I was going to stay up later to finish my homework just so I could watch.
When the audience found out who the first A was, it was a great ending to the mystery. I think the show could have ended there and I would have been happy. The next four seasons, the audience was waiting for a meaner A to be revealed. We were teased with some A minions along the way, but never given the answer until the end of season 6. So many fans were disappointed by the A reveal of season 6. The mystery and clues just didn’t add up for so many of the viewers. Many said that they would not watch after the bad finale. I was not one of those people. Instead, I HAD to keep watching because I needed to know what was going to happen next.
The fans of Pretty Little Liars are some of the most dedicated TV show fans I have ever encountered. They love their ships and they will not waver on who they think should end up together in the end. Some of the relationships would be impossible to bring back together at this point in the show in my opinion. The fans even have a reddit page where they theorize about who the next A (Uber A) will be. I have participated in this reddit for two years. It is great to have other people to talk about my frustrations and questions about the show. I haven’t come close to guessing the identity of A, but there are some really smart men and women that participate in theorizing. They are so dedicated to the show that they know every detail of the show and it amazes me. We even participate in a gift exchange for every finale and premiere for each season. It has been fun receiving and sending gifts pen pal style. I have been sent many thoughtful and show related gifts the past couple of years. I love Pretty Little Liars and it might not be the best show, but I will keep watching until it is over.