Drake and finals have one thing in common: they're both notorious for putting people in their feelings. And since Drake so eloquently expressed himself in his latest album "Views,"who better could describe the uniquely painful experience that is preparing for finals?
Originally, finals don't seem too scary. I've got this if I study enough in advance, right?
But a couple of weeks before the tests, going to parties sounds way more appealing than studying for tests. Work hard, play hard.
Then one day in lecture, your professor mentions that your final is cumulative, and your relaxed demeanor comes to a screeching halt.
So you start studying and realize how little you actually know.
And when your friends with easier majors try to complain about how stressed they are, you know they don't understand your degree of anxiety.
But you decide to take power naps with them between study breaks anyways because memorizing chapter after chapter of any subject is exhausting.
And when you have to get out of bed to start studying again, you contemplate dropping out of college only to remember how desperately you need a college degree.
And then you look at old exams for practice, and you just blankly stare at the questions feeling like this:
But hey, a little faith in whatever you believe in, let it be God or the grade curve, is always reassuring.
And, of course, having supportive friends to give you pep talks when you feel exhausted helps, too.
It just really sucks knowing you aren't even close to what you're capable of because you slacked for most of the semester.
So you shamelessly stress-eat. Calories during dead week don't count anyways, right?
Then you remember finals mean the end of the semester, so you know that when all of the tests are over, you'll be able to head home like:
But then you realize you won't be able to see a lot of your friends over the break.