Parents, students, and teachers are all very aware that finals week is approaching and the summer air isn’t helping us stay focused. Here are a few good items to buy to help create a successful environment for yourself as you close out this final semester of the year.
1. Starbucks Gift Card
Whether you have a Starbucks store on campus or just around the corner, Starbucks is always a great place to study because of their accessible Wi-Fi, boost of energy from the caffeine, and the friendly environment filled with tables and outlets to hook your computer up to.
2. Flash Cards
Flash cards are especially useful when you start to get a headache and no longer want to look at a page filled with hundreds and hundreds of words. Ask a friend from your class to come over and run the flash cards with you. You will both be retaining the information without feeling like you’re trying to do the impossible.
3. Comfortable Clothes
After spending the entire night studying for your final that begins at 8:00 AM, the last thing you want to worry about is dressing up and wearing an uncomfortable outfit for the entire day. Throw on some sweats and a t-shirt and call it a day.
4. Personal Steam Inhaler
This is for all the performance majors out there who have vocal juries and performances throughout the week of finals. When you’re low on sleep and can feel your body and voice getting tired, spend 15-20 minutes with your personal steam inhaler and you’re bound to have a better day.
5. Snacks
Have a stash of snacks ready and with you for those late nights at the library. You don’t want to waste time running to the store while you are in the middle of studying for your big test that is only hours away.