With this being a presidential election year, politics are running even more rampant than usual here in the United States. That being said, the political game is always being played year around by our wonderful politicians here in the states, and the insanity of our entire political system runs rampant, as well. You may be saying, "but Drake, it doesn't seem like it was that bad a few years back. What in the world are you blabbering on about?" Well, my friends, here's your reality check; my advice is that you wake up and stop being a sheep lost in the herd.
First thing's first: We, the common citizens of the United States of America, should not be sheep. We shouldn't be the ones standing off and waiting for the government to herd us around. They shouldn't be the shepherds in this relationship. The U.S. Constitution gives us the power to put the people we want in office. Last time I checked, that should make us the boss over them. Why do we continue to complain about the job our politicians do when we're the ones who put them there in the first place? Would your boss continue to complain about the job you're doing time and time again and do nothing about it if you were incompetent? Hahahahaha, no. He/she would fire you on the spot after a chance to shape up. The government is no different, or at least it shouldn't be.
That brings me to the second thing: Quit being a slave to our dominant two-party system. Do you know why you feel like a vote for a third-party candidate is a waste? It's because not enough people act on their gut and too many cop out. If everyone that wanted to vote for someone other than the Republican or Democrat ticket actually chose to, we wouldn't have a dominant two-party system. Do you see the irony? You want your voice, but you suppress it because you don't feel it matters. The reality is that your voice always matters, even if all it becomes is a political statement showing an end of the two-party era. Grow a pair. Stand tall, stand proud.
Third thing: We have mass shootings and police killings, and the very first topic that comes up is gun control. This actually isn't completely insane. I see articles and hear news stories regarding strict gun control laws similar to California-style laws, and I see other stories stating we should just have stricter background checks. I do believe there should always be background checks performed for the purchase of firearms. However, if a law abiding citizen is trying to get a firearm, why are we making the system increasingly difficult for them to get their weapon? Criminals, regardless of the lengths that we take to prevent them from getting guns, will always have a means of getting their weapon of choice. Realistically, it doesn't even need to be a gun. We've seen what can happen when a criminal or terrorist gets their hands on whatever they want. Does restriction to the good citizens really do that much good?
Fourth thing: Black Lives Matter. Did you cringe? I did. I do every single time I hear this "equality" movement come up in the news. I'm scared to find out what they've done next. Too many times has this movement costed this great nation the life of a police officer. Too many times have they made the news for some form of violent protest. Read this carefully: I understand police brutality happens. Read this also: It doesn't just happen to African Americans. When you choose to assault an officer of the law, or riot and raze a city, your movement loses credibility. Or, at least it should. However, #BLM continues to grow and thrive seemingly, which doesn't make any logical sense to me. It may be because there are other #BLM outlets we never see from the media that are not covering these possibly peaceful occurrences. That does bring me to another point, though.
Fifth, and finally: Our media system sucks. Every media outlet that we have here in the U.S. is biased towards some political agenda. Whether it's CNN and their liberal biases or Fox News and their conservative ones is of no consequence. The fact is you must pull your news from multiple sources and piece together the things that are similar. Honestly, that's not even the biggest issue. Our media takes great liberty in showing the general public what it wants to show you. You will hear two sides to the biggest, most attention-grabbing stories out there. And then there are the stories that no media outlet seems to touch. It's these stories that also matter, but it's these stories that don't get told like they should. It's there that the truth lies, and it's there that you must build your opinions from. Be your own you. Do your own research. Look further behind the scenes than the general media willingly shows you.
Final thoughts? You want my complete opinion on everything else? I bet you're at least thinking something along the lines of: "No, Drake, I think we got it. We know where you stand." That's good. I'm glad you've read through my thoughts and know where I stand. Now it's time for you to make yourself independent. Ladies and gentlemen, quit being freakin' sheeple. Do what it takes to break the system that has a death-grip on our country. Act like you give a damn about your nation. Take back the America you want to see, and let's legitimately make it great again.
If you have a political idea that you'd like featured in a future article from me, feel free to get a message through to me. Here's to taking back the America we love! God bless and Godspeed my friends.