Police officers are there to protect the citizens of America. To fight crime and keep people safe, that is why, they are the ones in the uniforms who are armed. There have been big instances that police officers have been racist by following more stereotypes when doing their jobs. Those instances have cost some lives of African Americans. Those police officers were in the wrong, yes no doubt about it, but are all police officers supposed to be paying for it? Is it right to make the officers fear for their lives?
The answer is a big fat no. Yes, black lives matter, but people are making this a double standard. The other 99 percent of the officers risk their lives everyday for us have lives that matter too. Just because some wrong, racist officers took a life because of stereotyping, does not mean that blacks should go and stereotype another police officer. Eye for an eye should not apply here.
I am a white college student so no, I do not have many racist stereotypes against me. I do see everything from the outside on this police versus blacks though. I just see there are stereotypes for everyone. Those stereotypes can fit a few in a whole population. People believe that since they see one example of the wrong stereotype that the whole group fits that stereotype. Instead of blocking intersections and jumping police officers lets forgive them as a whole and let the good police officers do their job. Most of the police officers do believe all lives matter, but they are scared for their own lives right now.